PxPlus System Programs and Files


Query Definition and Maintenance Program

The *QUERY.DEF utility program is called by the Help subsystem to create or modify 'standard' query definitions. Standard queries present a series of items from the records of a specified file. The definition utility allows the programmer to define the file name, fields to display and their format.

The query definition must include the following:

Query Title

Title line for the query window.

Query File

Name of the keyed file to be presented.

Query Key No.

Key number of the keyed file to be used. This will determine the order of the records to be displayed.

Query Flds

There can be up to nine fields displayed within a query. Each field must define the field within a record of the file to display, the offset within the field, the length of the field, a format specifier, a return indicator, and title.

Valid format specifiers are:

0 - 9

Number of decimal points


Date format 99/99/99


Currency display $#,##0.00

All fields with the return indicator set to "Y" are returned to the program, which invoked the Query. Each field is placed into the input queue, one field at a time.