Error Handling and Debugging

UNIX/Linux Background Status


Often, when running a process in the background, it is desirable to know what the process is doing. PxPlus has a feature built into all UNIX and Linux versions that allows an external process to obtain current information about a process on demand. By using the UNIX/Linux 'kill' command, a signal can be sent to a background process that, in turn, will cause it to log its current state.

Whenever a background PxPlus task receives either a TSTP or a TOUT signal, it will output its current state onto a pxplus.sts file. The process will create the file in the directory where the pxplus binary resides (normally /pxplus/pxplus.sts).

If the signal is TSTP, a 'Break' or interrupt signal will be generated in the background process immediately after the state is reported. If a TOUT signal is used, the process will simply output its current state and continue execution.

Typical Usage

To send the signal to a background PxPlus process you issue:

kill -s {TSTP | TTOU} nnnnn



Contains the process ID of the background PxPlus task to which to send the signal.

When the process receives this signal, it will output the current program name, statement number, LFO, LFA and ERR to the pxplus.sts file. If TSTP is specified, an interrupt will be generated within the application.


The following example shows finding the process number and requesting the status:

# ps -leaf | grep pxplus 
4 S root 23055 21106  0 75  0 -  684 -      16:10 pts/1  00:00:00 /pxplus/pxplus
4 S root 23078 23059  0 75  0 -  424 pipe_w 16:11 pts/2  00:00:00 grep pxplus
# kill -s TTOU 23055
# cat /pxplus/pxplus.sts
PxPlus Signal: Pid=23055, Thu Jul 13 16:11:40 2006
Program: /pxplus/lib/_udv (5120)
ERR=36 LFO=62 LFA=0

(user input in bold)