Object-Oriented Interface



The rptsort object is a data member of the pvxreport object interface, delegated to store and manipulate a sort segment definition. One object is created for each segment in the sort order, and the creation sequence must match the sort order sequence. The pvxreport GetSortItem( ) method can be used to retrieve the object handle for an rptsort object, which allows access to all the object's methods and properties.

rptsort Properties

The following table lists the properties of the rptsort object:




Name of the table element used in the sort order. This must start with an alpha character, optionally followed by alphanumeric, period or underscore characters. Set to null if invalid.


Single-character code to indicate whether the sort order segment contains string or numeric data:

   S - String/text
   N - Numeric/computational

Default is S.


Positive numeric value indicating the number of characters in the sort element to be used to determine sort order.


Single-character code to indicate the sequence of the segment:

   A - Ascending
   D - Descending


Boolean value indicating whether case should be ignored when sorting the segment. Default is 1; i.e. a case-insensitive sort.