PxPlus Language Reference

Using the Help Documentation

The information below will be helpful to keep in mind when using the PxPlus Help documentation.

Linked Cross-References

Blue hyperlinks appear throughout the PxPlus Help documentation wherever a page or section cross-references another. The mouse pointer looks like an index finger when it is positioned over a linked cross-reference - simply click to activate the link.


The following syntax items are used in the PxPlus Help documentation to illustrate the format of program statements in PxPlus:


Dots indicate the continuation of a list of elements.

[ ]

Square brackets enclose optional elements in the format.


     In ABS(num[,ERR=stmtref]), you can omit the ERR=stmtref portion of the statement, as in ABS(X-Y).

(Exceptions are noted for individual commands where the brackets are "real"; i.e. part of the syntax.)

{ }

Curly brackets enclose a list of elements in syntax formats where it is mandatory to select one item.


     With {YES | NO}, you must select either YES or NO. In descriptions in this documentation, they denote {bitmap/icon} buttons.

(Exceptions are noted for individual commands where the brackets are "real"; i.e. part of the syntax.)


Vertical bars (pipes) separate a choice.


     {YES | NO}


Channel or logical file number. It must be an integer between 0 and 127. This identifies the channel to which your directive applies.


     CLOSE (14)

     Channel zero (0) is the console. If you omit the channel, the system defaults to 0 (the console).
     Channels 1 to 63 are commonly used for local files.
     Channels 64 to 127 are used for global files.

In extended file mode (see 'XF' system parameter), the channels range from 0 - 32767 for local files, and 32768 - 65000 for global files.


Position/coordinates. Numeric expressions. Column and line coordinates for top left corner, width in number of columns, and height in number of lines.


Optional syntax elements — three-character codes followed by an = (equals sign) and argument.




Statement reference. This can either be the line label or line number of a statement in the current program. Line numbers must be in the range of 0 - 64999.

If your given line number does not exist, PxPlus goes to the statement with the next higher line number.


     If line 1000 does not exist and 1010 is the next line number, then for GOTO 1000, PxPlus will go to 1010 and proceed with execution from there.

PxPlus verifies the existence of an IOList and stmtref for IOL=stmtref. It does not proceed to the next higher statement number.


List of comma-separated variables. Typically, a mix of string and/or numeric variables is acceptable.



See the individual Directives for restrictions.

Numeric Expressions and Variables

When a syntax format in this documentation includes a numeric variable like chan, index or num (lowercase), you can normally substitute a numeric expression consisting of variables, literals, functions and operators. For instance, your value could be something like HFN or 4 or NUM(A1$)*3-2. (NUM in uppercase is the function.)

When numeric variables are used in numeric expressions, subscripts are allowed; e.g. COST[4].


To apply the format FOR var=first TO last [STEP val] ...

FOR I=1 TO 10



Exceptions and valid values are stated when there are restrictions on the use of numeric or string expressions in a format (e.g. where only variable names are allowed).

String Expressions and Variables

When a syntax format in this documentation includes a string variable like prog_name$ or title$, you can normally substitute a string expression consisting of variables, literals, functions, and operators; e.g. PRINT "Printing"+REPORT$.

When string variables are used in string expressions, subscripts and substrings are allowed; e.g. CUSTOMER$(15,4).


For the CHECK_BOX READ [*] ctl_id, state$ [, mode$][,ERR=stmtref] format, you need string variables to receive the current state and optionally, the mode of selection: