Close File |
CLOSE {(*) | (chan)}[,(chan)...[,ERR=stmtref])]
* |
Asterisk denotes "all OPEN local channels". CLOSE (*) resets all files then closes everything but channel 0 (unless the 'WK' parameter is set). This closes all open windows and purges graphical controls from the system. |
chan |
Channel or logical file number. Note: |
stmtref |
Program line number or statement label to which to transfer control. |
Use the CLOSE directive to close a given logical file number. The memory used for buffers and control information is returned to the system. Once closed, the file (channel) number can be reused for a different file.
The ERR= branch will be taken should an error occur during the close. If the application tries to close an unopened file, an error will only be generated if an ERR= branch is provided. If an ERR= branch is not provided, the close is assumed to have occurred previously and no error is generated.
OPEN Open a File for Processing
BEGIN Reset Files and Variables
START Restart Session
'WK' Keep Window
The following will open channel 30, print to it and then close it:
open (30)"PRINT_DEVICE"
print (30)
close (30)
Assuming the following logic:
63 5 7
Either of the two statements below will close channels 63, 5 and 7. The second statement closes all other open local channels as well:
close (CSTFILE),(PRDFILE),(ORDFILE) ! Just closes channels 63,5,7
close (*) ! Closes ALL open file channels (i.e. 63,5,7 and 30)
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