

Execute Basic Instruction


EXECUTE statement$[,ERR=stmtref]


Character string to be processed by the system as if entered in Command mode. String expression.


Program line number or statement label to which to transfer control.


Use EXECUTE to embed Command mode statements directly into a program. A typical use of this directive is to modify the current program dynamically. When used in a compound statement, EXECUTE must be the last directive in the line.

Note 1:
By default, PxPlus changes the current program. If the EXECUTE directive starts with a line number, PxPlus modifies the current program and the line becomes part of the current program, possibly overwriting the existing code. However, if the system parameter 'EX' is On, it modifies the program at level 1 (the main level).

Note 2:
Under WindX, you can use EXECUTE "[WDX]..." or EXECUTE "[LCL]..." to encapsulate a directive or statement that is not supported across a WindX connection. See [WDX] Direct Action to Client Machine and [LCL] Access to Users Local Machine.


0010 let X$=lst(pgm(tcb(4)+1));execute X$(5),err=*end
0100 if WDX then execute "[WDX]SET_PARAM 'SD' "