

Execute Subroutine


GOSUB stmtref [WITH variable=value, ... ]



Program line number or statement label to which to transfer control.


Variable (string or numeric) to be set prior execution of the subroutine. The original value of the variable will be saved and restored when the subroutine RETURNs.


Value (literal or expression) to load into the variable.


Use GOSUB to access a subroutine embedded in your current program. The current location in the program is saved on a stack, and control is passed to the statement number or label you specify (or if no statement exists with the number specified, to the next higher statement). PxPlus continues execution from there until a RETURN is executed. Then, it returns control to the position saved on the stack.

If you want to exit from a GOSUB subroutine without returning to the calling point, you can use the EXITTO directive to remove the return point from the stack. You must use either a RETURN or an EXITTO directive to terminate each GOSUB subroutine. 

Do not place a RETURN directive inside a FOR/NEXT loop or a WHILE/WEND loop.

There is no pre-set limit (apart from memory space) to the number of GOSUB/RETURN entries that you can have on the stack.

The BEGIN, CLEAR, RESET, STOP and END directives reset all entries in the GOSUB/RETURN stack.

(Support for a WITH clause to pre-set variables prior running the subroutine was added in PxPlus v10.10.)

See Also

EXITTO End Loop, Transfer Control
RETURN Return from a Subroutine
Structured Error Handling Using ON ERR


0100 input "Enter starting date DD/MM/YY: ",D$
0110 gosub 1000
0120 let D1$=D$
0130 input "Enter ending date DD/MM/YY: ",D$
0140 gosub 1000
0150 let D2$=D$
0160 print "DONE"; stop
1000 rem Subroutine
1010 if len(D$)<>8 then goto 1090
1020 if D$(3,1)<>"/" or D$(6,1)<>"/" then goto 1090
1030 let D=num(D$(1,2),err=1090),M=num(D$(4,2),err=1090),Y=num(D$(7,2),err=1090)
1040 if D<1 or D>31 then goto 1090
1050 if M<1 or M>12 then goto 1090
1060 return
1090 print "Invalid. Restart.."
1100 exitto 0100

Enter starting date DD/MM/YY: 05/03/99
Enter ending date DD/MM/YY: 31/03/99