

Test Condition



Set Conditions:

IF expressionTHEN ... [ELSE ...] [ END_IF ]


Set Conditions, Multiple Line Format:

IF expressionTHEN {
} [ELSE {...}] 



Statements to be processed.


Curly brackets indicating statements within can span multiple lines.


An expression whose value determines if the condition is True or False:

   •  In numeric expressions, a zero value will indicate FALSE; otherwise, any non-zero value will indicate TRUE.

   •  In string expressions, a null (empty or blank) value will indicate FALSE; otherwise, any non-null value will indicate TRUE.

(The ability to use a string expression was added in PxPlus v10.)


Use the IF directive to control the execution of various PxPlus statements based on the result of a Boolean TRUE/FALSE value.

If the expression returns a TRUE value (non-zero for numeric, non-null for string), then PxPlus continues execution with the directives following the THEN clause up to the end of the statement or until an ELSE clause is encountered.

If the expression returns a FALSE value, execution of the statement continues with the directives following the ELSE clause (if you use it) or with the next statement.

You would normally include a logical operator such as an = (equals sign), < (less than symbol), etc. in the numeric expression, but you can use any numeric expression. All statements within an IF..THEN..ELSE structure exist on the same line. These statements can only span multiple lines if they are enclosed within curly brackets. A matched set of open/closed brackets must be provided for each set of directives. Missed brackets can cause unexpected results.

Internally, when the system detects a { following the THEN clause, it will continue execution up to the next } (if true) or skip forward to it (if false). The same holds true for the processing of the ELSE clause.

You can imbed multiple levels of multiple line IF directives using curly brackets; however, it is important not to lose consistency.

Using END_IF

An optional END_IF (or FI) clause can be used to terminate the current IF structure and/or to execute a common closing statement. This is particularly useful for separating ELSE clauses in a nested IF..THEN..ELSE structure.

Once the statements that follow an END_IF clause are executed, control will fall through to the next line or (if nested) to the preceding level of IF..THEN..ELSE.

See Also

END_IF End IF Directive


Simple IF Statement:

input "Enter a number: ",a
input "Enter another: ",b
if a>b \
     then print "First one is larger";
if b>a \
     then print "Second one is larger";
print "Both numbers are the same"

Enter a number: 123.45
Enter another: 123.56
Second one is larger

Compound IF Statement:

for i=1 to 30
     print i," is divisible by ",
     if mod(i,2)=0 \
          then if mod(i,3)=0 \
                  then print "both" \
                  else print "2" \
          else if mod(i,3)=0 \
                  then print "3" \
                  else print "neither"
next i

1 is divisible by neither
2 is divisible by 2
3 is divisible by 3
4 is divisible by 2
28 is divisible by 2
29 is divisible by neither
30 is divisible by both

Multiple Line IF Statement:

00010 if A = B then {
00020 let C = D
00030 print "A equals B"
00040 } else {
00050 let X = Y
00060 print "A was not identical to B"
00070 }