

Read/Append Lines from File


1. Specify Source File by Channel:

MERGE (chan,fileopt)

2. Specify Source File by Serial Filename:

MERGE filename$



Channel or logical file number of the file to reference.


Supported file options (see File Options):


Error transfer


Record index


Data translation table


Name of the serial file to be used as the source file for the merge.


Use the MERGE directive to add program statements from a source file to the current (target) program. You can use a MERGE directive for serial or indexed files. You can also use it with memory files. The source file must contain records that are statements in a valid list format (i.e. with correct syntax, line numbers, etc.).

During the MERGE process, if a statement from the source file has a line number matching a line number in the target program, the statement from the source file will overwrite the corresponding statement in the target program.

You have to include line numbers in the source file; however, you do not have to put them in numeric order. PxPlus reads them into the target program in ascending sequence as if they were entered in Command mode but will place them in the correct numeric sequence, using the source file's numbering.

If a source file contains a statement without a statement number or with an invalid statement number (outside of the allowed range), PxPlus generates Error #21: Statement number is invalid and halts the MERGE process. PxPlus terminates the MERGE process when it encounters an End-of-File status in the source file.

Format 1

Specify Source File by Channel

MERGE (chan,fileopt)

This opens the source file and uses its current channel/logical file number to identify it. You can use this format with a memory-resident file (i.e. *MEMORY*).

Format 2

Specify Source File by Serial Filename

MERGE filename$

You can use a serial filename to identify it as the source for the MERGE (instead of opening it and referring to the channel).

See Also

INDEXED Create Indexed File
*MEMORY* Create and Use Memory File
SERIAL Create a Sequential File

MERGE does not support code generated using the LIST EDIT format.


The following is a sample terminal session using the MERGE directive to combine two programs:

load "TIME.PRT"
1000 rem Time output routine
1010 T$=str(int(tim)*100+fpt(tim)*60:"00:00")
1020 return
serial "WORKFILE"
open (1)"WORKFILE"; lock(1)
list (1)
close (1) ! WORKFILE has list of program
load "PASS.CTRL"
0010 gosub 1000; print "1st pass: ",T$
0020 call "PASS1"
0030 gosub 1000; print "2nd pass: ",T$
0040 call "PASS2"
0050 gosub 1000; print "End both: ",T$
0060 stop
open (1)"WORKFILE"
merge (1)
close (1)
0010 gosub 1000; print "1st pass: ",T$
0020 call "PASS1"
0030 gosub 1000; print "2nd pass: ",T$
0040 call "PASS2"
0050 gosub 1000; print "End both: ",T$
0060 stop
1000 rem Time output routine
1010 T$=str(int(tim)*100+fpt(tim)*60:"00:00")
1020 return