

Set FID( ) Definition


SETFID [(chan)] fid_def$



Optional channel or logical file number.


String value to define FID(0). Its maximum length is 12 characters. String expression.


Use the SETFID directive to make dynamic changes in the value returned by the FID( ) function. Any open channel may have its FID value changed. If chan is not provided, it defaults to affect channel 0. This is most commonly used to change the FID value of channel 0 (i.e. the terminal) for legacy applications that require unique FID values.

By default, PxPlus uses the value of the operating system environment variable PVXFID0 as the value for FID(0). If this environment variable is not defined, PxPlus will dynamically assign a value starting at T0 (T zero).

See Also

FID( ) Return File Information Descriptor


In this example, the value in the WHO system variable is something like "SMITHJ":

0010 ! START_UP
0020 open (1)"MYCONFIG"
0030 read (1,key=who,err=0050)X$
0040 setfid X$
0050 close (1)

The following example defines a unique session and terminal FID in a Windows environment, given a directory called C:\FIDS with the files "T5", "T6", "T7", "T8", and so on. (This could also be done with terminal IDs of 3 characters or more.) In a START_UP program:

0010 open (1)"C:\FIDS"
0020 read (1,end=1000)ID$
0030 if ID$(1,1)="." goto 0020 ! Skip "." and ".."
0040 %FID_FILE=gfn
0050 open lock (%FID_FILE,tim=0,err=0020)pth(1)+dlm+ID$
0060 setfid ID$
0070 close (1)
1000 msgbox "Sorry. There are no free FIDs for this station."
1010 quit

This logic will open and leave open a file pertaining to the station FID. Once the task ends, the file will be available for another session.