

Set Local Time


SETTIME [time]


Current time of day for the user session. Numeric expression.


Use the SETTIME directive to set or change the current processing time (returned in the TIM, TME and TMS variables). The value of time must be between 0 and 24 (the desired time of day based on a 24-hour clock). Once set, the time will be continuously updated based on the operating system clock.

PxPlus will continuously update the date and time based on the set time until the end of the session or until the execution of a START directive. Then, PxPlus reverts to the operating system's time.

Note that this directive calculates an offset from the current operating system date/time. If that date/time is altered after the execution of the SETTIME directive, a corresponding change will be reflected in the values of TIM, TME and TMS.

This directive only affects the user executing the directive.

See Also

TIM Time in Hours Past Midnight
TME Time in Hours Past Midnight
TMS Seconds Expired in Current Minute
DTE( ) Convert Date


print tim
settime 1.10
print "Current time",tim

Current time 1.10

If the operating system's time was advanced by an hour (i.e. from 8.51 to 9.51), that hour would also be added to the time for the current session, advancing the current session's time to 2.10 and setting TIM, TME and TMS to the new value.