System Functions

CSE( )

Case Compare




compare2[$] ...

Comma-separated list of numeric or string expressions for comparison with expression[$].


Numeric or string expression to be used for comparison.


Program line number or statement label to which to transfer control.


Integer representing the sequence number of a match, or 0 (zero) if no match.


The CSE( ) function is used to compare an expression with a series of values. If the expression has a match, the resulting number will point to the location of the matched value in the series; i.e. if the expression matches the 5th value in the compare series, then CSE( ) returns 5. If no match is found, CSE( ) returns 0.

See Also

TBL( ) Convert String Via Table
SWITCH Branch Control
CASE Define Branch Points


In this example, if the value of CTL is 1000, then the CSE( ) function returns 3. If the value of CTL is 1030, then 5 is returned, etc.

1000 input X$
1010 on cse(ctl,1,2,1000,1020,1030) goto NOFKY,FK1,FK2,QRY_CST,DEL_CST,ADD_CST

The example below shows strings in the comparison:

1010 on cse(TEST$,"ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM","DOG","CAT","PIG") goto 1000,2000,3000,4000