System Functions

DSK( )

Get Current Disk Drive




(asterisk) Returns the name of the volume (rather than the drive).


Disk to check. String or numeric expression.


Program line number or statement label to which to transfer control.


Current disk drive identifier.

This function is primarily for use in Windows. Under UNIX, it is assumed that there is only one disk drive, and this function returns a null ("") string.


The DSK( ) function checks for the existence of a disk drive and returns the current disk drive identifier, volume name. Use either a string or numeric value to specify the drive. If a string is given, the first character indicates the drive (A, B, C, etc.). A null ("") string returns the current disk identifier.

This function returns the operating system's drive prefix ("A:","B:", etc.). If you place an asterisk after disk_id, the function returns the name of the volume mounted on your drive, if any; e.g. DSK("C",*) or DSK(2,*). If the disk drive or volume does not exist, PxPlus returns an Error #17: Invalid file type or contents.

If a numeric value is given, then the value must be a positive integer in a range starting at zero. Use 0 as the value for the first drive, 1 for the second, and so on.

When reporting items based on the universal naming convention, this function returns the UNC-style pathname; i.e. for a current directory of \\server\share\path\, DSK( ) returns \\server\share\.

