System Functions

SYS( )

Invoke Operating System Command



Invoke Operating System Command:



Signal Another Process (UNIX/Linux Only):




Command to be processed. Maximum string size 8KB.


UNIX/Windows Process ID value to check/notify. Numeric expression.


Optional signal value to send to the UNIX Process ID. Numeric expression.


Program line number or statement label to which to transfer control.


Operating system code identifying command passed to it by the function.


The SYS( ) function passes a given string or numeric Process ID to the operating system command processor for execution.

If the 'IW' system parameter is disabled (Off), the user can force PxPlus to exit the wait state and continue to run by clicking on the PxPlus window or changing focus to it.

Format 1

Invoke Operating System Command


SYS( ) returns the operating system's code identifying the command. It returns 0 (zero) if the task is running and not zero (usually -1) if it is unsuccessful. The value in the system variable RET can be checked for an error value if the function was unsuccessful.


0010 print 'CS',"Menu"
0020 print " 1: List directory"
0030 print " 2: Run WORD processor"
0040 print " 3: Run SPREADSHEET"
0050 print " X: Sign off"
0060 input "Enter selection:",X$
0070 if X$="1" then let X$="ls"; goto 0500
0080 if X$="2" then let X$="wp"; goto 0500
0090 if X$="3" then let X$="123"; goto 0500
0100 if X$="X" then quit
0110 print 'RB',; goto 0060
0500 A=sys(X$)
0510 if A<>0 then print "Command '"+X$+"' FAILED"
0520 goto 0020

Format 2

Signal/Terminate Another Process


The SYS function can be used to determine the state or interrupt/terminate another process on the system. If the signal is omitted or set to 0 (zero), the SYS function will return 0 if the specified process is still executing or -1 if the process cannot be found (terminated).

On Windows, the SYS function can only be used to get the status of or terminate a process with the terminate status given in signal.

On UNIX/Linux, the SYS function can be used to send a signal to another process, which may cause the other process to terminate depending on the signal chosen. Sending a signal 2 (SIGBREAK) from a session or from the UNIX shell will initiate a program's SETESC logic. Sending a signal 15 requests that the process shutdown. Signal 9 is a forced termination request.


On UNIX/Linux, to send an ESCAPE/Break to the process whose ID is in pid:


The first argument is the pid signal to send, and the second is the signal number. To obtain the pid for the current process, use TCB( 89), which returns the numeric value of the current Process ID.

On Windows, a special pid value of -1 can be specified to check the state of the process initiated by the last SYSTEM_HELP directive.

See Also

INVOKE Execute Operating System Command
GID Operating System Process Identifier