System Functions

TRY( )

Try Expressions


TRY(expression1, expression2,...[,ERR=stmtref])


expression1, expression2,...

Comma-separated list of values and/or expressions to be evaluated.


Program line number or statement label to which to transfer control.


The value of the first expression that does not generate an error.


The TRY( ) function evaluates and returns the value of the first expression (or value) that does not generate an error. There is no limit to the number of values or expressions that can be passed to the TRY( ) function. All expressions/values must return the same type (numeric or string).

(The TRY function was added in PxPlus v11.50.)


AvgPrice = TRY(TotalRevenue/QtySold, ProductPrice)

- Returns standard price if nothing sold

FirstKey$ = TRY (KEF(fileno), "000000")

- Returns dummy first key if file empty

Middle$ = TRY (X$(12,4), "0000")

- Returns "0000" if substring fails

Color$ = TRY(Grid'BackColor$, "White")

- In case Grid is either not an Object/Control handle or has no property BackColor$