'GOTO' or 'WG' |
Make Window Current |
GUI Display or Character Display
Long or short form: 'GOTO' or 'WG'
wdw_id |
Window's unique ID number (0 - 255) |
Use either 'GOTO' or 'WG' in the format to make the identified window the current window and move it the top of the window stack. If this window does not exist or is the only window, PxPlus returns an Error #57: No such window defined.
30400 let WW_ADD=hwn(0)
30410 print %W_MSG$,'window'(20,8,40,8,WW_ADD,"Deleting Sku"),'CS','SB',
30430 !
30440 let ADD_SKU$=TO_SKU$
30460 gosub DELETE_ITEM
30470 read (E855FENT_H,key=SAVE_KEY$)iol=0310
30480 print 'wg'(W_ADD),'wd'(WW_ADD),%NORM_SCR$,