System Parameters


Default Field Separator


Assigns the default field separator value for the SEP system variable. Use the ASCII value of your character either as a decimal value or by using the ASC( ) function. You can also use the ASCII value of the character that is currently in the DLM system variable.


'FS'=138 ($8A$, not a printable character) or 'FS'=ASC(SEP)

See Also

SEP PxPlus Field Delimiter
ASC( ) Get Internal Character Value
DLM Return System Directory Delimiter


In this example, the current value in the DLM system variable (backslash "\") replaces the SEP value $8A$ (i.e. CHR(138)) as the default field separator:

print hta(a$),asc(sep)
8A 138

set_param 'FS'=asc(dlm);
print hta(sep),asc(sep)
5C 92