Utility Routines


Generate an Image of a Web Page


CALL "*tools/htmlimage", ERR=stmtref,url$,imgFile$[,imgWidth,imgHeight]



URL to the Web page or HTML file whose image is to be generated. The following can apply:

    Can be a URL (starts with http:// or https://)
    Can be a file reference (starts with file:///)
    If missing http://, https:// or file:///, default will prefix with file:///


Path of the image file to be generated. It must include the image file suffix (i.e. .jpg, .png, .bmp).


Optional dimensions (in pixels) of the Web page image. If not specified, dimensions will default to 800 pixels wide by 600 pixels high.


Error transfer. Most errors result in an Error #201 with specific error messages.


The "*tools/htmlimage" utility allows you to generate an image file (.png, .jpg, .bmp) based on a URL, whether it is a website reference (starts with http:// or https://) or a reference to an HTML file (starts with file:///).

Important Note:
To generate an image based on a URL, certain third-party applications are required:

     On Windows servers, the Chrome browser is recommended for generating images; however, the Firefox browser (v57 and later) can also be used to generate images.

     On Linux servers, the Firefox browser (v57 and later) will generate .png images. To generate .jpg and .bmp images, the ImageMagick command line tool must also be installed.