Automation in PxPlus


Automation (formerly known as OLE Automation) is a feature of the Component Object Model (COM), an industry-standard technology used by applications to expose objects, methods, properties and events to development tools, macro languages and other applications. For example, a spreadsheet application might expose a worksheet, chart, cell, or range of cells, each as a different type of object. A word processor might expose objects, such as applications, documents, paragraphs, bookmarks or sentences.

When an application or library supports Automation, the objects exposed by the application can be accessed through PxPlus. These objects can be manipulated using PxPlus to invoke their methods and get or set their properties.

Concepts and Terminology

To better understand Automation, it is necessary to understand some basic concepts and terminology:


Any item that can be programmed, manipulated or controlled. Interfacing with an object is done through property setting and getting and calling of methods.


A property is a characteristic of an object (an adjective). For example, properties of a Textbox object might include: Name, Visible, Forecolor, etc.


A function that performs an action on an object (a verb). For example, an Application object might expose a Close method.


An object that exposes a user interface. Controls are now typically based on ActiveX technology versus the older OLE Control technology (OCX).

Late Bound

Obtaining a reference to an object without any prior information about the object. Property and method names are resolved at run time. This is the binding style used by PxPlus.

To program against an object, a reference to that object must first be obtained. This process is commonly referred to as binding. Unlike other languages, PxPlus simplifies this process by providing one statement that can be used to create new objects, reference running objects, and connect to remote objects.

The file associated with the PxPlus COM interface, pxpocx.dll, is referred to as "the DLL" throughout this section. See PXPOCX Misnomer.

Referencing an Object

The DEF OBJECT directive is used to create a new instance of a specified object.

DEF OBJECT obj_ID,[@(col,ln,wth,ht)]{, | =} obj_name $[;LICENSE=key][,ERR=stmtref]



Numeric variable that will be used to save the object reference.


Optional left, top, width and height values to be applied against the object. If the object is a control, then the control will be placed at coordinates left, top (PxPlus-based) with the size specified by width and height.
One underlying side effect of this argument is that it determines which PxPlus window will "own" the object.


String expression identifying the object to be referenced, as well as any object specific parameters. See Object Name Contents below.


Optional license key that should be applied when attempting to bind to an object. See Licensed Controls and Objects below.


Optional program line number or statement label to which to transfer control in case of error.

If an error occurs during the DEF OBJECT statement, the error code will always equal 12. Use the MSG( -1) function to determine the exact reason for the failure.

Object Name Contents

The DEF OBJECT obj_name$ string may contain one of the following:


Asterisk displays a pop-up window listing all 32-bit OLE and ActiveX controls installed on the system.


Class identifier GUID for the object in the format {hhhhhhhh-hhhh-hhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhh}, where the h indicates a hexadecimal character.


Programmatic identifier name for the object. An example of this is Word.Document.

[FILE] x:\filename

Keyword indicates that the object should be created using the specified file name. An example of this would be a Microsoft Word document file.

[DCOM] server;name

Keyword indicates that the object being referenced is located on a remote system.
The server parameter is optional and can be specified either by name or by IP address. If not supplied, then the object is considered local.
The name parameter is the CLSID or progID for the object.

[GLOBAL] name

Keyword indicates that a reference to an object exposed by the use of PvxMakeGlobal should be obtained.
The name parameter is the name that was used to expose the object. PvxMakeGlobal is described in detail in the section Extended Properties and Methods.

[REGISTER] x:\filename;name

This syntax is used to ensure that the object information is properly registered before attempting to create an instance of the object.
The x:\filename parameter is the name of the executable file or library that exposes the automation object.
The name parameter is the CLSID or progID for the object.

[RUNNING] name

Keyword indicates that PxPlus should bind to a running instance of the named object.
The name parameter is given as CLSID or progID. An error will occur if the object is not currently running.


Keyword indicates the same functionality as [RUNNING] syntax, with one difference: If the object is not currently running, PxPlus attempts to create a new instance of the named object.

Licensed Controls/Objects

Redistribution of a third-party COM control can sometimes involve the use of a license file (usually identified by a .LIC extension). The license file usually permits developer-level access to the control and is not for redistribution. In some cases, a license key must be extracted from the license file for the control to function in run-time mode.

The following steps outline how to extract the license key from the license file and how to make it available to the control in a run-time environment:



On the system where the automation object and license file have been installed, obtain a reference to the object without specifying the license information.



Query the PvxLicense$ property of the object for the license key. If the object is licensed, the key data is returned as a string of hex characters.



Append the LICENSE=key data to the parameter expression of the DEF OBJECT statement.

Once the new DEF OBJECT statement has been generated, the object reference can then be obtained on systems that do not have the license file installed.


Upon successful execution of the DEF OBJECT statement, PxPlus will place the object reference into the supplied numeric variable. Some examples of the DEF OBJECT statement include the following:

DEF OBJECT X, "Word.Application", ERR=*NEXT
DEF OBJECT X, @(1,1, 70, 20)="Word.Document"
DEF OBJECT X, "[dcom]MyServer;Shell.Explorer"
DEF OBJECT X, @(10, 2, 20, 10)="[file]c:\my documents\test.doc"
DEF OBJECT X, "VCF1.VCF1Ctrl.1;License=8041207972768742028669631967"
DEF OBJECT X, "[running or new]Excel.Application"

The DEF OBJECT statement can also be used to bind child objects, which are returned as the result of either a property access or method call. The syntax for this binding is:


Releasing an Object Reference

To manage the lifetime of an object, the PxPlus developer has been provided with the DELETE OBJECT statement.

DELETE OBJECT obj_ID [,ERR=stmtref]



Numeric variable name of object reference


Program line number or statement label to which to transfer control

The DELETE OBJECT statement takes one parameter, which is the PxPlus variable that has been bound to an object reference. After execution of this statement, the reference to the object is terminated, and the object is released from memory. For child objects, it is an error to perform a DELETE OBJECT if the DEF OBJECT has not been performed first.