Data Dictionary Utilities 

Compare Definitions


The Data Dictionary Compare utility is used to compare two tables from the same or different data dictionaries or physical files (or a combination of both). It compares file attributes, fields and key structures in one table with the fields in another. All common field names (and record formats for non-normalized files) will have their characteristics compared. The utility reports all changes, as well as any new or deleted fields.

Invoke this utility by selecting Utilities > Compare Definitions from the Data Dictionary Maintenance menu bar.

This utility consists of the following:

Source 1

Pathname of the providex.ddf or physical file with embedded dictionary that you want to compare from.

Table Name 1

Table you want to compare from. Leave blank to indicate all. Click the Query Table View button (magnifying glass) for a tree view of table names by Group. For information on creating a filter to locate a specific table name, see Filtering the Table Names Lookup.

Source 2

Pathname of the providex.ddf or physical file with embedded dictionary that you want to compare against. Enter * to use the physical files associated with the tables from Source 1.

Table Name 2

Table you want to compare against. Leave blank to indicate all. Click the Query Table View button (magnifying glass) for a tree view of table names by Group. For information on creating a filter to locate a specific table name, see Filtering the Table Names Lookup.

Suppress details on new/deleted files

Check box to suppress table information that is found in Source 1 and not in Source 2, or vice versa.


Prints the Data Dictionary Compare report.


Button used to begin the analysis.


Exits the Data Dictionary Compare utility.

Automated Call

The Data Dictionary Compare utility can also be called from a PxPlus program.

CALL "*dict/compdict;ANALYZE",source1$,table1$,source2$,table2$,result$,suppress$



Full path of the providex.ddf or physical file with embedded dictionary that you want to compare from.


Table you want to compare from. Leave blank to indicate all.


Pathname of the providex.ddf or physical file with embedded dictionary that you want to compare against. Enter * to use the physical files associated with the tables from source1$.


Table you want to compare against. Leave blank to indicate all.


A SEP-delimited string containing "what is being compared" + SEP + "source1$ result" + SEP + "source2$ result".


The flag "1" will suppress details on new/deleted files.