Step 6: File Maintenance Field Layout

Dependency Definition

Click the button beside the Maintain Folder Tabs button to launch the Dependency Definition window.

(The Dependency Definition button was added in PxPlus 2023 Update 1.)

Dependency definitions are the equivalent of IF THEN and (optionally) ELSE conditions. The Dependency Definition window is used to define selected controls to be hidden, shown, locked, unlocked, enabled or disabled based on preset conditions. Dependency definitions are applied to the current file maintenance main panel or folder panel (if Folder Tabs have been defined) or Webster+ HTML page to be generated.

Each dependency definition created in the table will consist of a conditional expression, as well as one or more actions and/or logic to be performed when the Condition is true.

This window consists of the following:


Conditional expression to be tested.

Actions for Controls

(Applicable for NOMADS Panels and Webster+ HTML Pages)

Assigns functions to be applied to selected controls when the Condition tests true. Click the dotted button to invoke the Actions for Controls window.


This window consists of the following:


Conditional expression (previously entered).

Control Name

Preset list of controls existing in the current active panel. This includes controls from embedded panels, which are identified by including their panel name.


Control type.


Function to be applied to the control when the Condition is true. Click the drop-down arrow for a list of selections: Ignore, Enable, Disable, Show, Hide, Lock, Unlock.

Tab Table

(Applicable to Controls on the NOMADS Main Panel Only)

Tab behavior override to be applied to the control when the Condition is true. Click the drop-down arrow for a list of selections: Ignore, Add, Remove.

Insert Before

(Applicable for NOMADS Panels Only)

Sets location in Tab Order for when the Action is to be applied (if Tab Table override is set to Add). Click the drop-down arrow for a list of existing panel controls.


Saves any changes and closes the Actions for Controls window.


Cancels any changes and closes the Actions for Controls window.

Actions for Groups

(Applicable for NOMADS Panels Only)

Assigns functions to be applied to selected groups when the Condition tests true. Click the dotted button to invoke the Actions for Groups window.


This window consists of the following:


Conditional expression (previously entered).

Group Name

Preset list of groups created in the current active panel. See Group Assignment.

This includes groups from embedded panels, which are identified by including their panel name.


Function to be applied to the group when the Condition is true. Click the drop-down arrow for a list of selections: Ignore, Enable, Disable, Show, Hide, Lock, Unlock.


Saves any changes and closes the Actions for Groups window.


Cancels any changes and closes the Actions for Groups window.

Actions for Classes
(Webster+ Only)

(Applicable for Webster+ HTML Pages Only)

Assigns functions to be applied to selected groups when the Condition tests true. Click the dotted button to invoke the Actions for Groups window.


This window consists of the following:


Conditional expression (previously entered).

Class Name

Name of Webster+ class. See Webster+ Defined Classes.


Function to be applied to the HTML class when the Condition is true. Click the drop-down arrow for a list of selections: Ignore, Enable, Disable, Show, Hide, Lock, Unlock.


Saves any changes and closes the Actions for HTML Classes window.


Cancels any changes and closes the Actions for HTML Classes window.


(Applicable for NOMADS Panels and Webster+ HTML Pages)

Check box to apply the opposite function for when the Condition tests false. Same as an ELSE statement.


If a control is set to Enabled and the Condition tests false, the control will be Disabled instead. This does not apply to Logic functions.


(Applicable for NOMADS Panels Only)

Logic to be executed when the Condition tests true. Click the dotted button to invoke the Logic window for creating or editing this string.

Available processes include Ignore, Link, Perform, Call, Execute, Help, Jumpto and End. See Actions and Parameters.

Insert Above
Insert Below

Adds a blank row above or below the currently selected row.


Removes the currently selected row (i.e. removes the definition).

Move Up
Move Down

Changes the order of the existing definitions.


Saves any changes and closes the Dependency Definition window.


Cancels any changes and closes the Dependency Definition window.