Step 6: File Maintenance Field Layout

Adding a Folder

A Folder control can be added anywhere on the Main panel, except on a row containing a Key field. If no Folder location is specified, the Folder control will be added to the bottom of the Main panel.

To add a Folder control:


Select the Folder check box.


Click the Folder Options button to specify Folder properties (folder height, tab placement, tab width/height, etc.).


Click the Maintain Folder Tabs button to add Folder tabs.


To specify the Folder location on the Main panel, right click on any row that is a Full Section and select the Folder Location option from the popup menu. The row must be defined as a Full Section; otherwise, a message will display.

With Folder Location specified

Preview of NOMADS panel

If no Folder Location is specified, the Folder control will be added to the bottom of the Main panel:

Without Folder Location specified

Preview of NOMADS panel

This table describes the options that are used to add a Folder control:


Select this check box to set up Folder sub-panels.

For information about folders in NOMADS panels, see NOMADS Folder Controls.

For information about folders in Webster+ HTML pages, see Webster+ Folders/Tabs.

(Folder Options)

(Available when Folder check box is selected)

Button (beside the Folder check box) that launches the Folder Options window for specifying Folder properties.

When only HTML Page is selected as the Form Type in Step 1: Definition, the options that are not applicable are not displayed, as shown in the second screen shot:

When only "HTML Page" is selected

This window consists of the following:

Folder Options

Tab Position

Tabs placement. Click the drop-down arrow for a list of selections to indicate where the folder tabs will be drawn on the folder region: Top (Default), Bottom, Left Sidebar, Right Sidebar and Web (Top). The Bottom and Right Sidebar options do not apply to HTML pages.

(The Web (Top) tab position was added in PxPlus 2021.)

Tab Width

(Applicable for NOMADS Panels Only)

Uniform width to be used for all tabs. Default is 10.

Auto Advance

(Applicable for NOMADS Panels Only)

Determines if focus will automatically advance to the next folder when tabbing forward from the last control on a folder. Click the drop-down arrow for a list of selections:


Based on the %NOMADS'FolderAdvance setting.

Off (Advance to main panel)

Tabbing from the last control on a folder will proceed to the next control after the folder on the Main panel. The current folder will not change.

Advance to next folder tab

Tabbing from the last control on a folder will advance to the next folder and place focus on the folder tab. If it is the last folder, then focus will advance to the next control after the folder on the Main panel.

Advance to first control on next folder

Tabbing from the last control on a folder will advance to the next folder and place focus on the first control. If it is the last folder, then focus will advance to the next control after the folder on the Main panel.

Advance to next folder tab loop

Tabbing from the last control on a folder will advance to the next folder and place focus on the folder tab. If it is the last folder, then focus will return to the first folder and place focus on the folder tab, resulting in a tab loop.

(The Advance to next folder tab loop option was added in PxPlus 2021 Update 1.)

Folder Height

(Applicable for HTML Pages Only)

Enter the height of the Folder control on the HTML page. Leave as Auto (Default) to have the height calculated automatically based on the controls within the Folder.

(The Folder Height option was added in PxPlus 2021.)


(Applicable for NOMADS Panels Only - Available when Tab Position is Left Sidebar or Right Sidebar)

Determines the distance by which the starting line of the folder tabs will be offset from the starting line of the Folder control.

Tab Height

(Applicable for NOMADS Panels Only - Available when Tab Position is Left Sidebar or Right Sidebar)

Height of the sidebar folder tabs. If not specified, the value of %NOMADS'SidebarFolderTabHeight will be used. If neither is set, the default height is 2.5 lines.

The height of the tabs will automatically be adjusted smaller if the tabs will not fit in the allotted vertical space next to the folder.

Frame Style

(Applicable for NOMADS Panels Only - Available when Tab Position is Left Sidebar or Right Sidebar)

Determines the style level and bevel sizes in creating the frame. This is used if (at run time) only one sub-panel exists. Click the drop-down arrow for a list of selections: None, 3D Frame, Recessed Frame, Raised Frame, Top/Bottom line.

Visual Class

(Applicable for NOMADS Panels Only)

Assign a Visual Class to the Folder control for setting up default settings such as font, color and various attributes.


Saves any changes and closes the Folder Options window.


Closes the Folder Options window saving any changes.

Panel (or Current Tab)

Indicates the current panel being defined (i.e. Main panel or a Folder tab).

When the Folder check box is selected, the fonted text changes from Panel to Current Tab, and the Maintain Folder Tabs button next to the drop box is enabled.

New tabs can be added either by typing the new tab name in the drop box and then pressing Enter or by clicking the Maintain Folder Tabs button.

Use the Current Tab drop box to view a list of the tabs created (if applicable) and to select the tab or Main panel for which the field layout will be defined.

(Maintain Folder Tabs)

(Available when Folder check box is selected)

Button (next to the Current Tab drop box) that launches the File Maintenance Panel Tabs window. This window is used to add, delete or rename folder tabs on the file maintenance panel.

A maximum of nine folder tabs can be created; otherwise, a message will display. If more tabs are required, use the NOMADS Panel Designer to edit the Folder control once the file maintenance panel is generated. To edit a Folder control, see Folder Properties.


This window consists of the following:

New Tab

Enter the name for the new tab. The new tab is added to the list of tabs.

(List Box)

Lists the tabs in the order of appearance on the file maintenance panel.


Changes the order of the tabs on the file maintenance panel.


Launches a separate window for changing the name of a selected tab.


Removes the selected tab and all of its contents. Prior to deleting the tab, a message will display.

(The Rename button was added in PxPlus 2021.)