File Maintenance Generator

HTML Event/Other Options

Step 6: Field Layout

The HTML Event/Other Options option is only available when the HTML Page check box is selected for Form Type.

The Add an HTML Event/Other Options window is used to add an HTML Event and/or Webster+ Short Code Options to a cell that contains either a data dictionary field or fonted text.

(The ability to add/edit an HTML Event was added in PxPlus 2022.)

To invoke this window, use one of the following methods:

     • Click the Add Object button (above the Layout Grid) and select the HTML Event/Other Options option. OR

     • Right click on a cell in the Layout Grid, select Add Object from the popup menu and then select the Add or Edit an HTML Event/Other Options option.

This window consists of the following:

Field Name or Text

Displays the name of the data dictionary field or the fonted text.

Webster+ HTML


Enter an HTML Event.

Other Options

One or multiple short code options can be entered for a cell that contains a non-key data dictionary field or fonted text. Multiple options must be separated by a space.

See Webster+ Short Code Options.


     tip=FloatingTip link=

Important Note:
The Other Options field should not be used for entering the event=xxx short code option.

(The Other Options field was added in PxPlus 2023 Update 1.)


Saves the HTML event and returns to the Layout Grid. A red tick displays in the top left corner of the cell to indicate that an HTML event was added.

If a data dictionary field has both an HTML Calculation and an HTML event defined, a magenta tick will display.

(The colored tick indicator was added in PxPlus 2023.)


Cancels any changes and returns to the Layout Grid.