Step 6: File Maintenance Field Layout

Moving Fields

To move a single field to a target cell, use the drag and drop method. Fields cannot be multi-selected for moving.

Key fields always remain on the Main panel. They can be dragged and dropped to any cell on the Main panel but not to a cell on a folder panel.

If using the Enhanced Layout, fields can be moved to a cell in the same row or in a different row. Another alternative is to use the Cut Cell / Paste Cell(s) options on the right click menu.

If using the Two-Column Layout, fields can be moved to a row in the same column or in a different column. The Cut Cell / Paste Cell(s) right click menu options can also be used.

Care should be taken when moving to a target cell that is not blank, as the contents being moved will overwrite the contents of the target cell except if the target cell contains a Key field. In that case, the Key field will not be overwritten and a message will display.

If the target cell contains a data dictionary field, that field will be returned to the Fields list box.

If the target cell contains a horizontal line or fonted text, the line or text will be deleted.

If the target cell contains a Smart List Box, Smart Chart, Image, Embedded Panel or HTML Short Codes, a message will display.