Step 6: File Maintenance Field Layout

Enhanced Layout

Starting with PxPlus 2024, the Enhanced layout is the default layout used when creating a new file maintenance panel. This can be changed by setting the Layout option in Step 1: Definition.

See the tutorial How to Use the Enhanced Layout in File Maintenance Generator.

Important Note:
The Enhanced layout is not backwards compatible with previous versions.

With the Enhanced layout, options are provided for formatting individual rows in the panel layout as Full, Half, Third and Quarter sections. You can choose which rows to format as Full sections, two Half sections, three Third sections, four Quarter sections or one Half and two Quarter sections. When the NOMADS panel and Webster+ HTML page are generated, each section is treated as true Full, Half, Third or Quarter sections.

In NOMADS, the width of the generated panel is calculated by using the maximum width of the controls added to the different Section sizes. This calculation takes into account the following:

It is strongly recommended to avoid adding wide controls to smaller Section sizes, as this will result in wide panels with blank space on the right side.

Define the layout for the file maintenance Main panel and any folder panels:


The Layout Grid initially displays all rows as Half sections. Right clicking inside the Layout Grid displays a menu showing the Section size options:

By default, the Layout Grid displays each row as two Half sections when creating a new file maintenance panel. This can be changed by right clicking on a section and selecting a Section size option from the Right-Click Menu.

The Section size options are enabled or disabled, depending on the Section size of the currently selected cell:


This panel Layout Grid shows rows formatted as Full, Half, Third and Quarter sections. Below that is shown the NOMADS panel at run time:


Section Size Formatting

If the Section size formatting of a row is changed, the formatting of any non-populated rows below it will also change, providing that the non-populated rows had the same original formatting.

If the first cell on a non-populated row is changed, all cells on that row will be formatted to the same size.


Changing the current row from Half section to Quarter section changed the non-populated cells on the same row, as well as the two non-populated rows below it. The populated rows in the lower half of the panel remain unchanged:



When all cells on a row are populated and any cell on that row is changed to a Full section, the other populated cells on that row will be dropped. This means that data dictionary fields will be returned to the Fields list box. If any of the cells on the row contained an object, a message will display prior to removing any objects from that row.


Changing the second cell (Email Address) from Quarter section to Full section dropped the other data dictionary fields on that row and returned them to the Fields list box:



When the Section size of a cell is increased (e.g. from Third section to Half section), the other cells on that row are moved to the right. If there is no longer room for the cell, the populated cells will be dropped. This means that data dictionary fields will be returned to the Fields list box. If any of the cells on the row contained an object, a message will display before removing any objects from that row.

If there is no room to increase the size of the last cell on the right, a message will display, except if changing the cell to a Full section. In that case, the other populated cells on that row will be dropped.


Increasing the size of the first cell (Department) from Quarter section to Half section moved the other cells on that row to the right:



Right-Click Menus

Right clicking either on a cell or row in the Layout Grid displays the following menu options:

When right clicking on a Key field, only certain options are available.

The Section size options (Full, Half, Third, Quarter and Flex) do not apply if using the SmartPhone Layout.

Clear Current Cell

Clears the contents of the currently selected cell. This option is not available when the current cell contains a Key field.

If the cell contains a data dictionary field, the cleared field will be returned to the Fields list box.

Clear All Cells

Clears the contents of all cells (except Key fields) on the currently selected panel or folder tab. Prior to clearing all cells, a message will display.

Insert Full Row Above

A new full row is inserted above the currently selected row, and the last row of the grid will be deleted. This will push all subsequent rows down.

Delete Row

The current row is deleted, and an empty row will be added to the end of the grid. This will move all subsequent rows up. If the current row contains a Key field, a message will display.

Cut Cell
Paste Cell(s)

Cuts the contents of a single cell and then pastes the contents into a destination cell.

If multiple cells are to be cut and pasted, first cut each cell one at a time in the order in which they are to be pasted and then use the Paste Cell(s) option to paste them all at once into the destination location. To ensure that all cut cells are successfully pasted, it is recommended to remain in the Step 6: Fields panel until the cut/paste process has been completed.

Cells can be cut and pasted within the same panel or between different panels, such as from the Main panel to a folder panel and vice versa.

The Cut Cell option is not available if the cell contains a Key field, Horizontal Line, Section Break, Full Section Break or Folder Location.

The Paste Cell(s) option is available only when one or more cells have been previously cut.

Full Section

A full section. A Full section can be changed to any other Section size.

Half Section

(Available when current cell is a Full or Quarter Section)

A half section. A Half section can be changed to any other Section size except a Third section. The alternative is to insert a Full row by using the Insert Full Row Above option and then format the Full row as a Third Section. Fields or objects can be cut/paste or dragged/dropped into the new row.

Third Section

(Available when current cell is a Full Section)

A third section. A Third section can only be changed to a Full section.

Quarter Section

(Available when current cell is a Full or Half Section)

A quarter section. A Quarter section can be changed to either a Full or Half section. A Quarter section cannot be made into a Third section.

Flex Section

(Applicable for HTML Pages Only)

Available only when the current cell is populated.

A flex section will occupy the width of the largest element inside the section; thus, the number of flex elements that can appear across the page will vary based on contents. A Flex section can be changed to any other Section size.


Locks or unlocks a data dictionary field.

This option is applicable only for data dictionary fields (except for Key fields or fields set as Read Only or Required).

When a field is locked, "Locked" displays at the end of the Info Line for that field. When a field with a Query button is locked, the Query button does not display.

Add Horizontal Line

Adds a horizontal line to the currently selected cell. The Layout Grid displays the text * Horizontal Line *.

The length of the line depends on whether the current cell is a Full, Half, Third or Quarter section.

Folder Location

(Available only when Folder check box is selected)

Adds the Folder control to the current row on the Main panel only. The Folder control must be located in a Full section; otherwise, a message will display. When added, the Layout Grid displays the text * Folder Location *.

If Folder Tabs have been defined but no Folder Location has been added, the Folder control will be located at the bottom of the Main panel.

This option is not available when the current row contains a Key field, or you are not on the Main panel, or a Folder Location has already been added.

Add Object

Displays a list of objects to add or edit. See Adding Objects.

Right clicking on a column header in the Layout Grid displays the following menu option:

Menu Option


Clear All Cells

Clears the contents of all cells, except Key fields, on the currently selected panel or folder tab. Prior to clearing all cells, a message will display.

See Also

Enhanced Layout Sample Panels
Two-Column Layout