

Call Subprogram, Share Variables


PERFORM subprog$[;entry$][WITH variable=expression, ...] [,DOM=nolabelref][,ERR=stmtref]



Name of the subprogram to execute. String expression. If desired, an optional entry label within the program may be specified (e.g. "PRG099;AddCust"). A null string may be passed to indicate that nothing is to be performed.


Name of starting statement label to use as entry point in the subprogram. Optional. Maximum string size 8 KB. If included, use a leading ; (semi-colon) and add it to the subprog$ string expression.


Can either be a numeric or string variable that will be initialized with the value from the expression prior execution of the performed program.


Program line number or statement label to transfer control to in case the entry point supplied in the subprog$ does not exist in the program.


Program line number or statement label to transfer control to in case of an error.

(The DOM option was added in PxPlus v7.10.)
(The WITH clause was added in PxPlus 2021.)


The PERFORM directive saves the current program state and then transfers control to a subprogram. All variables are made common between the initiating program and the subprogram. When the subprogram terminates, control returns to the initiating program at the directive following the PERFORM directive.

All variables that are changed or created during execution of the performed subprogram will be returned to the initiating program.

You can specify an optional entry point in the subprogram. To do this, append a ; (semi-colon) and the starting label name (;entry$) to the subprogram name:


After the subprogram is loaded, PxPlus internally issues a GOTO directive using the label as a statement reference and starts execution there. Use this feature to create subprograms to act as "libraries" (i.e. multiple stand-alone routines, each starting at its own entry point).

In addition, PxPlus allows the specification of a line number instead of a label. To specify a line number, the entry point must consist of a #(pound sign) followed by the line number:

perform "SUBPROG;#1000" (This would start at statement 1000 in SUBPROG)

The execution of the subprogram is normally terminated with an EXIT; however, the END or STOP directives may be used in its place.

Subroutine Within a Subprogram

The PERFORM directive can also access subroutines externally via entry points in the called program. In this case, the RETURN statement that is used to terminate the subroutine in a subprogram will automatically return control to the initiating program. This feature allows the same chunk of code to be accessed internally (GOSUB), as well as externally (PERFORM).

Null String

If desired, a null string may be passed to the PERFORM. This will cause nothing to be executed -- effectively, the PERFORM becomes a comment. This feature allows applications to include logical option "Exit Points" within their application where the exit point can be assigned to a variable that, if set, causes the application to run logic from an external program.

This capability can be disabled using the '+N' system parameter.

See Also

CALL Transfer to Subprogram
RUN Transfer and Execute a Program
END Halt Execution of Program
EXIT Terminate Subprogram and Return
STOP Halt Program Execution
GOSUB.. Execute Subroutine
RETURN Return From a Subroutine


This is the calling program:

0180 let Z=1,X=2,A$="Cat",B$="Pig*****Dog",V=9
0190 print "Values before PERFORM:",@(26),Z,X,A$,B$,@(45),V
0200 perform "ABCDEF;TEST",err=9000
0210 print "Values after PERFORM: ",@(26),Z,X,A$,B$,@(45),V,ZZ$
0220 stop


Values before PERFORM:

1 2CatPig*****Dog 9


TEST in subprogram ABCDEF


1 2CatPig*****Dog 9


6 7Pig****Cat**** 4 I'm new, from ABCDEF

This is the subprogram:

0040 TEST: print "TEST in subprogram ABCDEF"
0060 print @(8),"In PERFORM",@(26),Z,X,A$,B$,@(45),V
0070 let Z=6,X=7,A$="Pig",B$="****Cat****",V=4,ZZ$=" I'm new, from ABCDEF"
0080 print @(8),"Change : ",@(26),Z,X,A$,B$,@(45),V,ZZ$
0090 exit