Receive Data from Another Session |
READ WINDOW DATA strvar$ FROM windowHandle [ ,ERR= stmtref ]
strvar$ |
Name of a string variable to receive the incoming data. |
windowHandle |
Name of a numeric variable to receive the sending window's handle. |
stmtref |
Identifies the statement to which control will be transferred in case of an error. |
The READ WINDOW DATA directive will receive the data sent to it from another process. Generally, this is executed in response to a CTL being received, indicating that the data is available. An Error #2: End-of-File will be generated if no data is available. When data is returned, this directive will also set CTL to the original value provided by the sender's WRITE command, thereby assuring synchronization of the data and the CTL value.
(The READ WINDOW DATA directive was added in PxPlus 2016.)
WRITE WINDOW DATA Send Data to Another Session
The WRITE WINDOW DATA directive is designed to send information to an application on the same Windows machine. The receiving application should wait at an INPUT (or OBTAIN) directive pending the receipt of the CTL value sent via the WRITE WINDOW DATA directive. When the CTL is received, the receiving program should issue a READ WINDOW DATA directive to get the data being sent.
Below is a sample "Sending" program:
0010 let a=dll("User32","FindWindowA",0,"Target App"+$00$)
0020 if a=0 then print "Cannot find window"; stop
0030 select record R$ from "DataFile"
0040 write window data R$ to a with ctl 1234
0050 next record
0060 write window data "" to a with ctl 9999 ! Send EOF signal
This sending program uses the Windows FindWindow DLL call to locate a window on the system whose caption line is "Target App" and then sends the contents of the file "DataFile" to that process. Each line is sent with a CTL value of 1234, and a final EOF signal is sent with a CTL of 9999.
Below is a sample "Receiving" program:
0010 print 'caption'("Target App")
0020 while 1
0030 input *
0040 if ctl=1234 then read window data x$ from a; print x$
0050 if ctl=9999 then read window data x$ from a; print "*EOF*"; break
0060 wend
This receiving program will wait at the INPUT directive on line 30 for the receipt of a CTL event. When the CTL event of 1234 is received (this being the CTL value used in the WRITE WINDOW DATA directive), it will then issue the READ WINDOW DATA directive to obtain the data sent and display it. If the CTL received was 9999, then the program will exit the loop.