Utility Routines


Array List Object


An array list is a dynamically resized data structure that allows elements to be Get/Set via index, similar to an array, but also allows elements to be appended, inserted and removed similar to a list. Modifying the list by inserting, appending or removing resizes the data structure and shifts the elements. Examples of an array list are vector (c++) and arrayList (java) data structures.

The Array List object provides a simple means to create and work with an array list and consists of various methods for interacting with an array list. See Methods.

(The Array List object *OBJ/ARRAYLIST was added in PxPlus 2021.)

Instantiating the Array List Object

To instantiate the Array List object using the handle my_list (where my_list can be any numeric variable), enter the following command:


To access any of the available methods, the Array List object handle (my_list) is used, followed by an ' (apostrophe) and the method (with the desired parameters).


print my_list'Get$(my_list'Size())


The methods used by the Array List object are listed below. An Example is also provided.





Adds a numeric or string value to the end of the array list.

Returns the index in the array list of the newly appended value if successful.

Returns '0' if any error is encountered while appending the value.

Clear( )

Clears the array list by removing all current elements.

Returns '1' if successful.

Returns '0' if any error is encountered while clearing the array list.



Find(value$, case_insensitive)

Searches the array list for a numeric or string value.

Searches are case sensitive by default. For case insensitive searches, set the case_insensitive parameter to '1'.

Returns index of a matching value if a match was found.

Returns '0' if no match was found.



Returns the numeric or string value at a given index of the array list.

An invalid index results in an Error #42: Subscript out of range/Invalid subscript.

Insert(index, value)

Insert(index, value$)

Inserts a numeric or string value into the array list at the given index, shifting the current value at that index and all subsequent values to the right.

The array list size grows by 1.

Returns the index in the array list of the newly inserted value if successful.

Returns '0' if any error is encountered while inserting the value.


Removes a value from the array list at the given index, shifting any subsequent values to the left.

The array list size shrinks by 1.

Returns '1' if remove is successful.

Returns '0' if any error is encountered while removing the value.

Set(index, value)

Set(index, value$)

Changes the numeric or string value at the given index in the array list to a new value.

The array list size does not change.

Returns '1' if successful.

Returns '0' if any error is encountered while setting the value.

Size( )

Returns the current number of values in the array list.

Returns '-1' if an error is encountered while getting the size.


The following example is provided:

! Create a new array list
! Populate the array list
     animalsList'Append("Blue Jay")
! Add new value to front of the list if not already in array list
     if animalsList'Find(newAnimal$)=0 \
          then animalsList'Insert(1,newAnimal$)
! Remove last value in the list
     if animalsList'Remove(animalsList'Size())=0 \
          then msgbox "Error removing last value in array list"
     msgbox str(animalsList'Size()),"Num Elements in array list"
! Get an element
     if animalsList'Get$(3)<>"Lion" \
          then msgbox "Error getting element 3"
! Set an element
     if animalsList'Set(3,"Koala")=0 \
          then msgbox "Error setting element 3"
     drop object animalsList