Step 7: File Maintenance Generator Completion |
Review the selections for the previous steps, which are presented in a grid format with a vertical scroll bar. At this point, the Finish button is enabled on all panels in the File Maintenance Generator.
This panel consists of the following:
Button that launches the File Maintenance Template Save Settings window for saving File Maintenance template settings to a file name. Saving them to a file name allows the same settings to be used again when defining new panels by selecting the desired Template in Step 1: Definition. Using File Maintenance templates makes it easier to maintain a consistent look and feel to panels that are generated. This window consists of the following:
| |||||||||
Confirm file and panels updated on completion |
When this option is checked (Default), a confirmation message will display after clicking the Finish button. This message shows the names of panels that have been generated, including folders, and the pathname of the HTML page that was created if the HTML Page option was selected in Step 1: Definition. If this option is unchecked, the confirmation message will not display, and this option will remain unchecked for panels and HTML pages that are subsequently generated in the current screen library. (The Confirm file and panels updated on completion option was added in PxPlus 2021.) | ||||||||
Launch the Screen Designer to edit 'xxxxxx' after completion |
Select this check box to open the generated main panel in the NOMADS Panel Designer after clicking the Finish button. If this check box is not selected, the NOMADS Panel Designer will not launch. Instead, Library Object Selection will open with the file maintenance panel(s) added to the Object Name list. | ||||||||
Finish |
This button is enabled in Step 7: Finish, at which time, it is also enabled on all panels in the File Maintenance Generator. It is used to complete the File Maintenance Generator and generate the file maintenance panel(s). If required fields are missing in Step 6: Fields, a message will display. The main panel will be generated using the object name specified. Any additional folders will be created with the name object_name.nwhere n is a sequence number beginning with 1. Example: Client_mnt(Main Panel) |
File Maintenance Generator Steps
Updating a Generated File Maintenance Panel