File Maintenance Generator

Step 2: File Maintenance Object Properties

Define the options for record update behavior, screen behavior and record messages.

If an existing file maintenance object is entered in Step 1: Definition, the options in Step 2: Properties will be set based on the values in the selected file maintenance object and cannot be modified.

See File Maintenance and Object Inheritance for information on file maintenance objects.

When only HTML Page is selected as the Form Type in Step 1: Definition, options that are not applicable are not displayed, as shown in the second screen shot:

When only "HTML Page" is selected

This panel consists of the following:

Select the update behavior

Select the record locking behavior when a record is updated.

Review Before Write

(Default) Record's contents are reviewed before the record is written to determine if another user changed any fields.

Lock Record

(Applicable for NOMADS Panels Only)

Locks the record.

No Record Lock

(Applicable for NOMADS Panels Only)

Writes the record with no lock.

Select the screen behavior

Select the screen behavior on a new record, for saving changes and after writing or deleting a record.

Do Not Clear Fields

(Default) Record's contents are not cleared from data fields. This behavior can be applied after a new record key is entered and after a record is written or deleted.

Auto-Clear All Fields

Record's contents are automatically cleared from data fields. This behavior can be applied after a new record key is entered and after a record is written or deleted.

Standard Save

(Default) To save a new or edited record, the Write button is selected; otherwise, a confirm-save message displays when tabbing off an input control and selecting the Clear, Exit, browse or X (Close) buttons.

Auto-Save Changes

(Applicable for NOMADS Panels Only)

A new or edited record is automatically saved when tabbing off an input control and selecting the Exit, browse or X (Close) buttons. No Write button is provided.

Select record message options

Select the messages that will display when a record is created or deleted.

Confirm New Record

A message asks to create the new record before proceeding.

Acknowledge Writes

A message confirms that the new record has been added or an existing record has been updated.

Confirm Delete Request

(Default) A message asks to delete the selected record before proceeding.

Acknowledge Deletes

(Default) A message confirms that the selected record is deleted.

See Also

File Maintenance Generator Steps