IT - Integrated Toolkit™


The PxPlus Integrated Toolkit™ (*IT) provides a comprehensive integrated development environment that brings together many of the components needed for the development and debugging of a PxPlus application. At the core of *IT is a graphical program editor used for directly entering and editing application programs.

The main Integrated Toolkit screen provides three separate regions for program information, program editing/development and debugging information. See Screen Layout. The components that make up the Integrated Toolkit include:


Program Editor


Program Synopsis


Debug Facility (including Client Server applications)


Built-in Program Version Control interfaces


Program Compare Utility


Projects Manager


Library Manager for NOMADS Object, Program and Text Macro libraries

All of these components are designed to work together within the Windows environment, or they can be used remotely using the Client Server interfaces within PxPlus.

To invoke the *IT - Integrated Toolkit, use one of the following methods:



From the PxPlus IDE Main Launcher

Select Program Editor (*IT) from the PxPlus IDE category at the top of the tree view.

From the PxPlus Command line

Enter: IT

When you type IT at the Command prompt, the current program in memory is loaded into the editor. When you finish editing your program, save the program and the program will automatically be reloaded from disk into memory when you exit the editor.

Important Note:
If you do not save the program prior to exiting the editor, you will lose your changes.

From the PxPlus Command line

Enter: RUN "*IT

From the PxPlus Command window

From the Utilities menu, select Integrated Toolkit.


From the Edit menu, select Edit (graphical).

Launch programmatically

Use the CALL directive. The CALL directive accepts optional arguments that include the name of the program to be loaded and the label or line number at which to position the editor.


     call "*it" ! Invokes *it
     call "*it", "myprog" ! Invokes *it and loads "myprog"
     call "*it", "myprog","1000" ! Invokes *it, loads "myprog" and positions at line number 1000
     call "*it", "myprog","mylabel" ! Invokes *it, loads "myprog" and positions at "mylabel" label
     call "*it", "myprog;mylabel" ! Invokes *it, loads "myprog" and positions at "mylabel" label

NOMADS Panel Designer

To enter program logic, select the Logic folder tab in the control's properties window and click the Program logic button. For information on entering program logic in NOMADS, see Program Editor.

Windows shortcut

The Graphical Program Editor can be invoked directly from a Windows shortcut. Create a shortcut whose target is:

     [path to PxPlus]\pxplus.exe *it

Optional arguments may also be used that include the name of the program to be loaded and the label or line number at which to position the editor.


     /pvxplus/pxplus.exe *it
     /pvxplus/pxplus.exe *it –arg "myprog" "1000"
     /pvxplus/pxplus.exe *it –arg "myprog;1000"
     /pvxplus/pxplus.exe *it –arg "myprog" "mylabel"
     /pvxplus/pxplus.exe *it –arg "myprog;mylabel"

Windows program association

The Graphical Program Editor can be invoked through a Windows association. If your programs have a common extension, you can set up an association to invoke the editor and load the program when you double click on the file in Windows Explorer.

When you set up the association, set the 'Action' to OPEN, and for 'Application used to perform action', enter:

     "[path to PxPlus]\pxplus.exe" *it –arg "%1" (include the quotes)


     "C:\pxplus\pxplus.exe" *it –arg "%1"