Webster+ Inspector |
The Webster+ Inspector page displays the contents of the directory that contains your Webster+ installation (defaults to the docroot directory). It provides options for viewing, creating, editing and deleting files and directories.
When the security system in Webster+ is enabled, a new Inspector option displays on the left side. Clicking the Inspector option brings up the Webster+ Inspector page if the user is allowed to access it. Only users who are part of the Admin group (System Administrators) or the Dev group (Application Developers) are allowed to access the Webster+ Inspector page.
Opening a File or Directory
Click on the file or directory to select it and then click the Explore button. This opens the file in view-only mode or displays a list of the files in the directory. Double clicking on a file or directory does not open it.
Opening a Screen Library
First, open the directory where the screen library is located. Then, click on the screen library to select it and then click the Explore button. This opens the Webster+ Library Object Selection page, which displays a list of the objects in the selected screen library (similar to NOMADS Library Object Selection).
For information on working with screen libraries within Webster+, see Viewing Screen Libraries.
(The Webster+ Library Object Selection page was added in PxPlus 2024.)
Using Webster+ Inspector
The ability to edit text files, program files, HTML files or screen libraries depends on whether the user is part of the Inspector Edit Access group selected for the Access Control option. PxPlus data files can only be viewed, not edited, within Webster+.
For information on working with text files, data files, report definition files (*.pvr), and PDF files within Webster+, see Viewing Text Files, Data Files, Report Files and PDFs.
For information on working with program files and HTML files within Webster+, see Viewing Program Files and Viewing HTML Files.
(The ability to view, create, edit and delete files and directories through Webster+ Inspector was added in PxPlus 2021 Update 1.)
The Webster+ Inspector page consists of the following:
Directory |
When the Inspector option is selected, the directory defaults to the docroot directory where webster.pxp was installed. Enter a different directory or click the Up button to change to a directory one level up. To set the top level directory, see Setting the Top Level Directory. |
Explore |
Opens the selected file in view-only mode or displays a list of the files in the selected directory. |
Up |
Changes to a directory one level up. |
Refresh |
Refreshes the list of files in the selected directory. |
This button is only available to users who are part of the Inspector Edit Access group selected for the Access Control option; otherwise, this button does not display. Invokes the New Text File window for creating a new text file using the Text editor within Webster+. The types of text files that can be created are ".txt", ".js", ".json", ".css", ".csv", ".conf", ".ini", ".log" and ".xml". When naming a new text file, the file extension needs to be included so that Webster+ will recognize the file type and open it. (The New Text button was added in PxPlus 2022.) | |
New Program |
This button is only available to users who are part of the Inspector Edit Access group selected for the Access Control option; otherwise, this button does not display. Invokes the New Program window for creating a new program file using the ED+ program editor within Webster+. |
New HTML |
This button is only available to users who are part of the Inspector Edit Access group selected for the Access Control option; otherwise, this button does not display. Invokes the New HTML File window for creating a new HTML file using the HTML editor within Webster+. |
New Directory |
This button is only available to users who are part of the Inspector Edit Access group selected for the Access Control option; otherwise, this button does not display. Invokes the New Directory window for creating a new directory. |
Delete |
This button is only available to users who are part of the Inspector Edit Access group selected for the Access Control option; otherwise, this button does not display. Deletes the selected file or directory. Prior to deleting, a message will display. |
Prints a listing of the selected directory contents to the viewer. |
(Files List) |
Displays details about the files in the selected directory, including file size, creation date and last modified date. |
Text files can be viewed and edited within Webster+. See Example: Text File.
PxPlus data files, however, can only be viewed, not edited. When a data file is opened, the records (sorted by prime key) and the prime key definition are displayed. The File Info button allows you to view detailed data dictionary information, if applicable. See Example: Data File.
When a report definition file (*.pvr) is opened, it is opened as a text file, which can be viewed and edited within Webster+. See Example: Report File. The Generate Report button generates the report based on the report definition (*.pvr) file, and if applicable, allows you to specify the parameters and/or filter criteria to be applied to the report at run time.
PDF files can be viewed within Webster+. When a PDF file is opened, its contents are displayed in a new tab on the Web browser.
(The ability to create text files, view data files and open PDFs was added in PxPlus 2022.)
(The ability to view, edit, filter and generate reports was added in PxPlus 2022 Update 1.)
Example: Text File
This example shows a text file (Clients_List.txt) opened in view-only mode:
Example: Data File
This example shows a PxPlus data file (clients) opened in view-only mode with navigation buttons shown (when applicable) near the bottom:
Example: Report File
This example shows a PxPlus report file (SalesrepList.pvr) opened as a text file in view-only mode:
This page consists of the following:
Close |
Closes the contents page and returns to the Webster+ Inspector page. | ||||||||||||||||||
Refresh |
Refreshes the contents of the displayed text file, data file or report file. | ||||||||||||||||||
Edit |
(Applicable for Text Files and Report Files Only) This button is only available to users who are part of the Inspector Edit Access group selected for the Access Control option; otherwise, this button does not display. Clicking this button opens the selected text file or report (.pvr) file in the Text editor within Webster+:
This window consists of the following:
| ||||||||||||||||||
(Applicable for PxPlus Data Files Only) Opens a PxPlus Wiki page in a new tab on the Web browser that shows detailed data dictionary information. If a data class was used to define a field, the class name shows as a link that can be selected to view the data class information. Example: | |||||||||||||||||||
(Applicable for Report Files Only) Generates the report based on the report definition (*.pvr) file. If a report was defined with parameters and/or data filters, a page will display to allow you to specify the parameters and/or filter criteria to be applied to the report at run time. Example: The report for this example was defined with both parameters and run-time filters: This window consists of the following:
(The Generate Report button was added in PxPlus 2022 Update 1.) | |||||||||||||||||||
Prints a listing of the selected text file, report file or data file contents to the viewer. |
This example shows a program file (gl_account.pvc) opened in view-only mode:
This page consists of the following:
Close |
Closes the contents page and returns to the Webster+ Inspector page. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Refresh |
Refreshes the displayed program file contents. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Edit |
This button is only available to users who are part of the Inspector Edit Access group selected for the Access Control option; otherwise, this button does not display. Clicking this button opens the file in the ED+ program editor within Webster+:
This window consists of the following:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Prints a listing of the selected program file contents to the viewer. |
This example shows an HTML file (salespersons.html) opened in view-only mode:
This page consists of the following:
Close |
Closes the contents page and returns to the Webster+ Inspector page. | ||||||||
Refresh |
Refreshes the displayed HTML file contents. | ||||||||
Edit |
This button is only available to users who are part of the Inspector Edit Access group selected for the Access Control option; otherwise, this button does not display. Clicking this button opens the file in the HTML editor within Webster+: This window consists of the following:
For an explanation of the HTML editor menu bar and tool bar options, see Menu Bar Options and Tool Bar Options. | ||||||||
Preview |
Opens the selected HTML file in a new tab in your browser. | ||||||||
Prints a listing of the selected HTML file contents to the viewer. |
This example shows the Webster+ Library Object Selection page for the selected screen library (scrnlib.en):
(The Webster+ Library Object Selection page was added in PxPlus 2024.)
This page consists of the following:
Open |
This button is only available to users who are part of the Inspector Edit Access group selected for the Access Control option; otherwise, this button does not display. In addition, this button is only available if the iNomads URL/port setting is specified; otherwise, this button does not display. To access this setting, click the Setup option on the left side to bring up the System Configuration page. Then, click the Misc. tab. Click this button to open the selected library object for editing. If the object is a Window (Type = W), a message will display, advising you to use NOMADS to edit the screen. This message also displays if the object is a Dialog (Type = D) and is not a File Maintenance panel (i.e. By field does not indicate "File Maint."). If the Dialog (Type D or Dh) is a File Maintenance panel, the File Maintenance Generator will be launched via iNomads for the selected panel. If the object is a Standard Query (Type = Q) or a Query List (Type = q), the Query (or Query List) Definition will be launched via iNomads for the selected query. If the object is a Menu Bar (Type = P) or Popup Menu (Type = P), the Menu Definition will be launched via iNomads for the selected menu. | ||||||||||||
Refresh |
Refreshes the Library Object Selection page. | ||||||||||||
Copy |
This button is only available to users who are part of the Inspector Edit Access group selected for the Access Control option; otherwise, this button does not display. Copies the selected library object. When prompted, enter a name for the copy. Note: | ||||||||||||
Delete |
This button is only available to users who are part of the Inspector Edit Access group selected for the Access Control option; otherwise, this button does not display. Deletes the selected library object. Prior to deleting, a message will display. | ||||||||||||
Test |
Tests the selected library object. If the object is a Window (Type = W), the window will launch via iNomads if the iNomads URL/Port setting was specified; otherwise, an error message will display. If the object is a Dialog (Type = D) and is not a File Maintenance panel (i.e. By field does not indicate "File Maint."), the dialog will launch via iNomads if the iNomads URL/Port setting was specified; otherwise, an error message will display. If the Dialog is a File Maintenance panel and an HTML version of the panel also exists (i.e. Dialog Type = Dh), the Webster+ HTML page will be launched. If the object is a Standard Query (Type = Q) or a Query List (Type = q), the query will be launched. The Print and Download buttons on the Webster+ query page can be used to print the query data to the viewer or download it to a .CSV file. If the object is a Menu Bar (Type = P) or Popup Menu (Type = P), a message will display, indicating that testing menus is not supported. (The query page Print and Download buttons were added in PxPlus 2024.) | ||||||||||||
New Query |
This button is only available to users who are part of the Inspector Edit Access group selected for the Access Control option; otherwise, this button does not display. In addition, this button is only available if the iNomads URL/port setting is specified; otherwise, this button does not display. To access this setting, click the Setup option on the left side to bring up the System Configuration page. Then, click the Misc. tab. Click this button to create a new query. When prompted, enter a name for the new query, and then select a Query Type, either Standard Query or Query List. Another window launches via iNomads for defining the Query (or Query List). | ||||||||||||
New Menu |
This button is only available to users who are part of the Inspector Edit Access group selected for the Access Control option; otherwise, this button does not display. In addition, this button is only available if the iNomads URL/port setting is specified; otherwise, this button does not display. To access this setting, click the Setup option on the left side to bring up the System Configuration page. Then, click the Misc. tab. Click this button to create a new menu. When prompted, enter a name for the new menu. Another window launches via iNomads for defining the menu. | ||||||||||||
New File Maint |
This button is only available to users who are part of the Inspector Edit Access group selected for the Access Control option; otherwise, this button does not display. In addition, this button is only available if the iNomads URL/port setting is specified; otherwise, this button does not display. To access this setting, click the Setup option on the left side to bring up the System Configuration page. Then, click the Misc. tab. Click this button to create a new File Maintenance panel. When prompted, enter a name for the new panel. The File Maintenance Generator launches via iNomads for defining the panel. | ||||||||||||
Prints a listing of the selected object to the viewer. | ||||||||||||
(Objects List) |
Lists the objects within the selected screen library (similar to the Objects List in NOMADS Library Object Selection). The following details are displayed for each object:
The setting of %inspector_top$ controls the top level directory allowed in the Webster+ Inspector. It can be set in webster.pxp.