File Maintenance Generator

Step 4: File Maintenance Control Settings

Define the options for field and screen layout, fonted text and full horizontal lines. Fonted text and horizontal lines can be added to the panel layout in Step 6: Fields.

When only HTML Page is selected as the Form Type in Step 1: Definition, options that are not applicable are not displayed, as shown in the second screen shot:

When only "HTML Page" is selected

This panel consists of the following:

Select field and screen layout options

Define the options for field and screen layout.

Prompt Alignment

Sets the alignment of text controls displayed as field names on the generated panel. Click the drop-down for a list of selections:


(Default) Field names are left-aligned.


Field names are right aligned. This option does not apply to HTML pages.

No Prompts

No field names are displayed.

Append Colon on Prompt

(Available if Prompt Alignment is Left or Right)

Adds a : (colon) to the end of text controls displayed as field names (e.g. City:). (Default is On.)

Tab Sequence

(Applicable for NOMADS Panels Only)

Sets the tabbing order:


Tabbing moves across, one row at a time.


Tabbing moves down column 1, then continues at the top of column 2 and moves down, etc.

Required Fields

(Available if Prompt Alignment is Left or Right)

Determines whether required fields are marked with a preceding * (asterisk) and includes the option to display a brief explanation for the asterisk in the bottom left of the generated panel.

If there are no required fields or the Prompt Alignment option is set to No Prompts or the Inquiry Only check box is selected, this drop box will be set to Do not indicate required fields and disabled.

Click the drop-down arrow for a list of selections:

Indicate with preceding *

(Default) Required fields are marked with a preceding * (asterisk).

Indicate with preceding * and include explanation text

Required fields are marked with a preceding * (asterisk). The explanation text, * indicates required field, is displayed in the bottom left of the generated panel.

Do not indicate required fields

Required fields are not marked.

Vertical Spacing

(Applicable for NOMADS Panels Only)

Determines the amount of vertical spacing between input controls on the generated panel.

Values between 0.50 and 3.0 lines are allowed. (Default is 0.50.)

SHOW. Visual Class

(Applicable for NOMADS Panels Only and if Extended Class Validation was defined)

Specify a Visual Class (Fixed value or string Expression) for applying default settings to Extended Validation SHOW.xxxxxx Multi-Lines created from data elements in the selected table.

See Extended Class Validation and Display.

If a SHOW. Visual Class is specified, the Locked, Borderless and Transparent properties for the SHOW.xxxxxx Multi-Lines will be turned Off unless specifically defined in the Visual Class.

If no SHOW. Visual Class is specified, the Locked, Borderless and Transparent properties will remain On.

(The SHOW. Visual Class option was added in PxPlus 2020.)

Select fonted text options

Define the options for fonted text (other than field prompts) on the NOMADS panel. These options do not apply to HTML pages.

Fonted text can be added to the panel layout in Step 6: Fields by entering text directly into a row in the Layout Grid.


(Applicable for NOMADS Panels Only)

Font type to apply to the Fonted Text entered in the Layout Grid. Click the drop-down arrow for a list of selections.


(Applicable for NOMADS Panels Only)

Click the drop-down for a list of sizes that relate to the current font (Quarter, Half, Regular (Default), Double) or enter a specific size.


(Applicable for NOMADS Panels Only)

Click the drop-down for a list of selections: Left Justify (Default), Center, Right Justify.

Visual Class

(Applicable for NOMADS Panels Only)

Assign a Visual Class to the fonted text control.

Visual class names that begin with an "*" (asterisk) are pre-defined visual classes used by PVX Plus and may be subject to change without notice.

Select full horizontal line option

Define the option for full horizontal lines on the NOMADS panel. This option does not apply to HTML pages.

Full horizontal lines can be added to the panel layout in Step 6: Fields by right clicking in the Layout Grid. From the popup menu, select Add Horizontal Line (if using Enhanced Layout) or select Add Full Horizontal Line (if using Two-Column Layout).

Vertical Spacing

(Applicable for NOMADS Panels Only)

Vertical spacing to apply before and after each full horizontal line that is added in Step 6: Fields. This option does not apply to half horizontal lines.

Values between 0.25 and 3.0 lines are allowed. (Default is 0.50.)

See Also

File Maintenance Generator Steps