Accessing Library Objects from IDE

Accessing Query Definition from IDE

The Query Definition task on the IDE Main Launcher is used for creating or editing a Standard Query or a Query List definition.

To select this task, expand the Graphical Application Builder (NOMADS) category on the Menu list. This task opens the New/Existing Query window, which is used to specify a library, the name of a new or existing query, and the query type (if creating a new query).

(The Query Definition task was added in PxPlus 2023 Update 1.)

This window consists of the following:


Defaults to the Default Library defined for the current project. If a default library was not defined, this will be blank. Enter the name of the library file or click the Query button.


Enter the name of the query or click the drop-down arrow to select from a list of the existing queries in the library. If the query name does not exist, you will be able to create the new query when you click Ok.

When entering a new query object name, valid characters are: letters (A-Z, a-z); numbers (0-9); ~ (tilde); @ (at symbol); . (period); $ (dollar sign); _ (underscore); - (dash); + (plus sign). If an invalid character is used, a message will display.


Type of query, either Standard Query or Query List. See Query Type.

For an existing query, the type is shown and is disabled.

For a new query, this field is enabled when a Name is entered and defaults to Standard Query but can be changed.


For an existing query, launches Query Definition (if Type is Standard Query) or launches Query List Definition (if Type is Query List).

For a new query, launches Query Header Definition (if Type is Standard Query) or launches Query Definition - File information (if Type is Query List).


Closes the New/Existing Query window with no further action taken.

See Also

Query Subsystem