System Options

Copy Theme

The Copy Theme utility is used to copy the records for a selected Theme from the Theme Definition file in the Input Directory to the Theme Definition file in a different Output Directory. If the Theme Definition file does not exist in the Output Directory, a message will display, asking to create it. The option to copy related Visual Class records is also provided.

Standard PxPlus Themes and Visual Classes are found in the *plus/winutl directory. Themes are stored in the providex.dfs file, and Visual Classes are stored in the providex.ccl file.

See the tutorial How to Copy a Theme.

(The Copy Theme utility was added in PxPlus 2024.)

To invoke the Copy Theme utility, use one of the following methods:



From the PxPlus IDE Main Launcher

Expand the Graphical Application Builder (NOMADS) category. Then, expand the Setup category and select Copy Theme.

From Library Object Selection

Select Copy Themes from the Utilities menu.

From the NOMADS Session Manager

Select Options > Copy Theme from the menu bar.

This window consists of the following:

Input Directory

Path to the directory where the Theme Definition file to copy the records from is located. Defaults to the Theme Definition file location for the current project. This can be changed by entering a different path or clicking the Query (folder) button.

If no Themes have been defined in the specified location, a message will display.

Use PxPlus Themes

When selected, the Input Directory defaults to the location where the PxPlus Themes and Visual Class definitions are stored (i.e. *plus/winutl). By default, this check box is not selected.

PxPlus Themes and Visual Classes are used throughout the development toolkit and the following user facing applications: Report Writer, Views, Query and Customizer.

Copying PxPlus Themes allows you to create your own copy of these definitions and modify them for use in your application.

Output Directory

Enter the path to the directory where the Theme Definition file to copy the records to is located or click the Query (folder) button.

This directory cannot be the same location where the PxPlus Themes and Visual Class definitions are stored (i.e. *plus/winutl); otherwise, a message will display.

Copy from Theme

Click the drop down arrow for a list of the Themes defined in the Input Directory. If the Use PxPlus Themes check box is selected, only the predefined PxPlus Themes are listed.

Copy to Theme

Defaults to the Copy from Theme. This can be changed if you want the Theme to have a different name in the Output Directory.

Copy Visual Class Records

When selected (Default), the Visual Class records related to the selected Theme will be copied to the Visual Classes Definition file in the Output Directory.


This button is enabled after Input Directory, Output Directory, Copy from Theme and Copy to Theme have been entered.

Clicking this button copies the Theme records for the selected Theme from the Theme Definition file in the Input Directory to the Theme Definition file in the Output Directory. If this file does not exist in the Output Directory, a message will display, asking to create it.

If the Copy Visual Class Records check box is selected, the Visual Class records related to the selected Theme are also copied. If the Visual Classes Definition file does not exist in the Output Directory, a message will ask if you want to create it.

If duplicate Theme records already exist in the Output Directory, a message will display, asking how you want to proceed:

   • Yes will overwrite the individual record indicated in the message.

   • No will skip this individual record.

   • All will overwrite all of the duplicate Theme records.

   • Cancel will skip the rest of the Theme records.

A similar message will display if duplicate Visual Class records already exist in the Output Directory.

When the Copy is completed, a message displays to indicate the number of Theme and Visual Class records that were copied.


Closes the Copy Theme utility.

See Also

How to Copy a Theme

Visual Classes