Options and Utilities 

Visual Class Assignment (Panel Level)


You can assign Visual Classes to controls at the panel level by using the Visual Class Assignment Utility. When a panel is opened, invoking this utility displays a window that lists the panel controls that may be assigned to a Visual Class. You can assign one Visual Class at a time to one or multiple controls, providing that the selected controls are the same control type defined for that Visual Class.

To invoke the Visual Class Assignment utility at the panel level, first open an existing library/panel, and then in the NOMADS Panel Designer, select Utilities > Visual Class Assignment from the menu bar.

The following window is displayed:

This window consists of the following:

Class Name

Name of the Visual Class to be assigned (either Fixed value or string Expression). A Class Name must be entered.

Select from the drop-down list of all Visual Class Names or enter an existing Class Name. If the Class Name entered has not been previously defined, you are given an option to use it and apply it to the selected controls; however, you will need to define its properties using the Visual Classes Maintenance utility.

Controls To Be Assigned

(Available when a Class Name is entered/selected)

Displays a list of the controls on the selected panel to which a Visual Class can be applied or has already been applied.

If the specified Class Name was previously applied to any of the panel controls, those controls are displayed separately in the Controls Assigned To Class list (see below) to distinguish them from the other controls.

Panel controls that cannot be assigned to a Visual Class (i.e. Images, Shapes, COM controls) are not listed.

Visual Classes can be applied only to specific control types: Button, Chart, Check Box, Drop Box, Folder, Fonted Text, Frame, Grid, List_Box, Multi-Line, Radio Button, Tristate Box, Variable Drop Box and Variable List Box. See Visual Classes Maintenance utility.

The Controls To Be Assigned list displays the following information:

Object Name

Name of the control

Control Type

Type of control (i.e. Button, Dropbox, Grid, Multi-Line)


Text entered for the control, if applicable (i.e. button text, drop box list values)

Visual Class

Name of the Visual Class previously assigned to the control, if applicable

Controls Assigned To Class

(Available when a Class Name is entered/selected)

Displays a list of the controls on the selected panel to which the specified Class Name was previously assigned.

In addition, any controls that you select in the Controls To Be Assigned list to be assigned to the specified Class Name are added to this list box.

For the steps on applying a Visual Class to one or multiple controls, see Applying a Visual Class below.

The Controls Assigned To Class list displays the following information:

Control Name

Name of the control

Control Type

Type of control (i.e. Button, Dropbox, Grid, Multi-Line)


Text entered for the control, if applicable (i.e. button text, drop box list values)

Previous Visual Class

Name of the Visual Class previously assigned to the control, if applicable


Moves a selected control from the Controls To Be Assigned list to the Controls Assigned To Class list in preparation for the Apply process. See Applying a Visual Class below.


Removes a selected control from the Controls Assigned To Class list and returns it to the Controls To Be Assigned list, at the same time removing any previously assigned Visual Class for this control.


Applies the selected Visual Class Name to controls in the Controls Assigned To Class list and closes the Visual Class Assignment utility.


Cancels any changes and closes the Visual Class Assignment utility.


Applies the selected Visual Class Name to controls in the Controls Assigned To Class list and keeps the Visual Class Assignment utility open for any additional selections.

Applying a Visual Class

The steps below guide you through the process of applying a Visual Class using this utility:




Select the Visual Class Name.


Select the control(s) in the Controls To Be Assigned list that you want to assign to this Visual Class.

Select controls that match the control type defined for the Visual Class; otherwise, the Visual Class will have no effect on the control.

Use the methods below to select the control(s). Your selections are automatically added to the Controls Assigned To Class list in preparation for the Apply process.

  • Select a single control and click the Assign button.
  • Select multiple controls by using Shift-Click (consecutive selections) or Ctrl-Click (random selections) and click the Assign button.
  • Double click on a single control to automatically add it to the Controls Assigned To Class list.
  • Drag and drop selected controls to the Controls Assigned To Class list.


(Optional) If you want to remove a control (and its previous Visual Class) from the Controls Assigned To Class list (i.e. due to an error), select the control and click the Remove button. This returns the control to the Controls To Be Assigned list. You can also double click on the control, or use the drag and drop method.


When you have made your selections, click Apply or Ok.

The Visual Class is then applied to the selected controls, the Controls Assigned To Class list is blank, and the Controls To Be Assigned list is updated with these changes.

Only one Visual Class can be assigned to a control. If a Visual Class has been previously assigned to a control, it is overwritten when the selected Visual Class is applied.

The Visual Class Assignment utility can also be used to assign Visual Classes to controls at the library level from Library Object Selection. To invoke this utility at the library level, see Visual Class Assignment.

To create and assign Themes, see Themes.

See Also

Panel Bulk Edit Utility
Library Bulk Edit Utility