Data Dictionary

Data Dictionary Utilities


Additional data dictionary tools and security control are available from the Utilities menu in Data Dictionary Maintenance.

The following links provide additional information:




Generates output in a standard format that lists all of the elements in the definitions that have been selected for printing.

Compare Definitions

Compares two tables from the same or different data dictionaries or physical files (or a combination of both).

INI File Generation

Allows for the generation of INI file contents directly from the data dictionary.

SQL Create Table

Outputs CREATE TABLE directives for defining database tables that are consistent with the PxPlus data dictionary.

Key Definitions

Generates SQL key definitions for data dictionary tables.


Allows table definitions to be merged from one set of dictionary files (ddf/dde) to another.

Import Dictionary

Copies a file definition from a different PxPlus data dictionary (in another directory) into the current file definition.

Export Data Dictionary Definition

Exports the data dictionary definitions of one or more selected tables to an export text file. Used in conjunction with the Import Data Dictionary Definition utility.

(The Export Data Dictionary Definition utility was added in PxPlus 2021.)

Import Data Dictionary Definition

Imports the data dictionary definitions of one or more tables selected from an export text file into a data dictionary in another location. Used in conjunction with the Export Data Dictionary Definition utility.

(The Import Data Dictionary Definition utility was added in PxPlus 2021.)