Two-Column Layout

Two-Column Layout Sample Panels

The sample panels below were generated using the Two-Column Layout in the File Maintenance Generator; however, most settings will also apply to the Enhanced Layout.

Beside each sample panel are the settings that generated these results. By adjusting these settings, the appearance of a generated panel can be easily modified.

Use these links to jump to a sample panel on this page:



Sample Panel 1

Standard Browse buttons (Bottom Left)
Standard Action buttons (Bottom Right)

Sample Panel 2

Browse buttons - Embedded Panel (Right of Key)
Action buttons - Embedded Panel (Bottom Right)

Sample Panel 3

Browse buttons - Embedded Toolbar
Action buttons - Embedded Toolbar
Required Fields with preceding * and explanation text

Sample Panel 4

Two-Column Layout
Horizontal Lines added
Fonted Text added

Sample Panel 5

Inquiry Only Panel

Sample Panel 6

Multi-Tabbed Panels - Top Folder Tabs

Sample Panel 7

Multi-Tabbed Panels - Left Sidebar Tabs

Sample Panel 8

Combination of settings:

   Title Bar added
   Multi-Tabbed Panels (Left Sidebar Tabs)
   Browse buttons - Embedded Panel (Right of Key)
   Action buttons - Embedded Panel (Bottom Right)
   Status Bar added
   Right Prompt Alignment (no colon)
   Required Fields with preceding * and explanation text
   Vertical Spacing adjusted
   Fonted Text added
   Horizontal Lines added
   Smart List Box added

Sample Panel 1

Standard Browse buttons (Bottom Left)
Standard Action buttons (Bottom Right)



Step 1: Definition

Table Name: Sales Rep

Panel Title
: Sales Representatives Maintenance

Step 3: Screen

Location of browse buttons: Bottom Left

Location of action buttons
: Bottom Right

Step 6: Fields

Sample Panel 2

Browse buttons - Embedded Panel (Right of Key)
Action buttons - Embedded Panel (Bottom Right)

Any embedded panels that are selected in the File Maintenance Generator to replace the standard browse and action buttons must name these controls as follows:



The Text property for these buttons can be set as desired.

See File Maintenance and Object Inheritance.




Step 1: Definition

Table Name: Sales Rep

Panel Title
: Sales Representatives Maintenance

Step 3: Screen

Location of browse buttons: Embedded Panel
Specify Library/Panel and set Position: to Right of Key

Location of action buttons
: Embedded Panel
Specify Library/Panel and set Position: Bottom Right

Step 6: Fields

Sample Panel 3

Browse buttons - Embedded Toolbar
Action buttons - Embedded Toolbar
Required Fields with preceding * and explanation text



Step 1: Definition

Table Name: Sales Rep

Panel Title
: Sales Representatives Maintenance

Step 3: Screen

Location of browse buttons: Embedded Toolbar

Location of action buttons
: Embedded Toolbar

Step 4: Controls

Required Fields: Indicate with preceding * and include explanation text

Step 6: Fields

Sample Panel 4

Two-Column Layout
Horizontal Lines added
Fonted Text added



Step 1: Definition

Table Name: Sales Rep

Panel Title
: Sales Representatives Maintenance

Step 3: Screen

Location of browse buttons: Bottom Left

Location of action buttons
: Bottom Right

Step 4: Controls

Visual Class: Select Visual Class from drop box

Visual Class definition for Fonted Text:
 - Foreground Color = Dark Red
 - Font = Cambria, Bold = On, Size = 14 points

Step 6: Fields

To reduce the gap between the two SALES columns, change the Name row from "Half Row" to "Full Row". This allows the Name field to extend across both columns rather than widen only the left side column.

Step 6: Fields

Sample Panel 5

Inquiry Only Panel

"Department" query button hidden
Clear/Exit buttons displayed



Step 1: Definition

Table Name: Sales Rep

Panel Title
: Sales Representatives Inquiry

Set Inquiry Only check box to On

Step 3: Screen

Location of browse buttons: Bottom Left

Location of action buttons
: Bottom Right

Step 4: Controls

Required Fields: Automatically set to Do not indicate required fields and disabled

Visual Class: Select Visual Class from drop box

Visual Class definition for Fonted Text:
 - Foreground Color = Dark Red
 - Font = Cambria, Bold = On, Size = 14 points

Step 6: Fields

Sample Panel 6

Multi-Tabbed Panels - Top Folder Tabs

Main Panel / Address Tab (Top Folder Tabs)

Contact Tab

Sales Tab



Step 1: Definition

Table Name: Client Master File

Panel Title
: Client Master File Maintenance

Step 3: Screen

Location of browse buttons: Bottom Left

Location of action buttons
: Bottom Right

Step 4: Controls

Visual Class: Select Visual Class from drop box

Visual Class definition for Fonted Text:
 - Foreground Color = Dark Red
 - Font = Cambria, Bold = On, Size = 14 points

Step 6: Fields

Set Folder check box to On

Select Folder Options button: In Folder Options window, set Tab Position to Top

(in addition to Main Panel): Define new tabs for Address, Contact, Sales

Sample Panel 7

Multi-Tabbed Panels - Left Sidebar Tabs

Main Panel / Address Panel (Left Sidebar Tabs)



Step 1: Definition

Table Name: Client Master File

Panel Title
: Client Master File Maintenance

Step 3: Screen

Location of browse buttons: Bottom Left

Location of action buttons
: Bottom Right

Step 6: Fields

Set Folder check box to On

Select Folder Options button: In Folder Options window, set Tab Position to Left Sidebar

(in addition to Main Panel): Define new tabs for Address, Contact, Sales

Sample Panel 8

Combination of settings:

   Title Bar added
   Multi-Tabbed Panels (Left Sidebar Tabs)
   Browse buttons - Embedded Panel (Right of Key)
   Action buttons - Embedded Panel (Bottom Right)
   Status Bar added
   Right Prompt Alignment (no colon)
   Required Fields with preceding * and explanation text
   Vertical Spacing adjusted
   Fonted Text added
   Horizontal Line added
   Smart List Box added

Any embedded panels that are selected in the File Maintenance Generator to replace the standard browse and action buttons must name these controls as follows:



The Text property for these buttons can be set as desired.

See File Maintenance and Object Inheritance.

Main Panel / Address Tab (Left Sidebar Tabs)

Contact Tab

Sales Tab



Step 1: Definition

Table Name: Client Master File

Panel Title
: Client Master File Maintenance

Step 3: Screen

Select Screen Options button: In Screen Options window, set TitleBar Option to TitleBar.
Specify Library/Panel to use. Set Status Bar check box to On.

Location of browse buttons
: Embedded Panel
Specify Library/Panel and set Position: to Right of Key

Location of action buttons
: Embedded Panel
Specify Library/Panel and set Position: Bottom Right

Step 4: Controls

Prompt Alignment: Right
Set Append Colon on Prompt check box to Off
Required Fields: Indicate with preceding * and include explanation text
Vertical Spacing: 1.00

Visual Class
: Select Visual Class from drop box

Visual Class definition for Fonted Text:
 - Foreground Color = Dark Red
 - Font = Cambria, Bold = On, Size = 14 points

Vertical Spacing (horizontal line option): 0.75

Step 6: Fields

Set Folder check box to On

Select Folder Options button: In Folder Options window, set Tab Position to Left Sidebar

(in addition to Main Panel): Define new tabs for Address, Contact, Sales

Sales tab:

Select Add Object button: Select Smart List Box

See Also

Enhanced Layout Sample Panels