File Maintenance Generator

Invoking File Maintenance Generator

To invoke the File Maintenance Generator, use one of the following methods:



From the PxPlus IDE Main Launcher

Expand the Graphical Application Builder (NOMADS) category. Then select File Maintenance Generator.

See Accessing File Maintenance Generator from IDE.

(The File Maintenance Generator task on the IDE was added in PxPlus 2023 Update 1.)

From NOMADS Library Object Selection

Use one of the methods described below, which is based on the option selected from the Views menu:

Views Menu Option


When entering a new panel Name, valid characters are: letters (A-Z, a-z); numbers (0-9); ~ (tilde); @ (at symbol); . (period); $ (dollar sign); _ (underscore); - (dash); + (plus sign). If an invalid character is used, a message displays.

Button View

Under Objects New/Maintain, type a new file maintenance panel name in the Name field (see Note above). Then either click the File Maint button or select Objects > File Maint from the menu bar.

The Welcome panel is launched.

Toolbar View

Click the File Maint button on the toolbar, and when prompted, type a new file maintenance panel Name (see Note above).

The Welcome panel is launched.

Another method is to select Objects > File Maint from the menu bar, and when prompted, type a new file maintenance panel Name.

Menubar View

Select Objects > File Maint from the menu bar, and when prompted, type a new file maintenance panel Name (see Note above).

The Welcome panel is launched.

From Webster+ Library Object Selection

In Webster+ Inspector, first open the directory where the screen library is located and then open the screen library. When the Webster+ Library Object Selection page displays, click the New File Maint button. When prompted, enter a name for the new panel. The File Maintenance Generator is launched.

(The Webster+ Library Object Selection page was added in PxPlus 2024.)

Welcome Panel

The Welcome panel is launched when a new file maintenance panel name is entered. It shows the new panel name and provides general information about the File Maintenance Generator:

This panel also provides two links:

How to Create File Maintenance Panels link launches PxPlus Help documentation for the current version of the File Maintenance Generator.
To access the legacy version of the File Maintenance Generator click here link launches the legacy version of the File Maintenance Generator.

Click Next to proceed to Step 1: Definition.

Each step in the File Maintenance Generator presents a panel with three main sections: a Progress Bar, a Work Area and a Navigation Bar:


This table describes each section:



Progress Bar

Displays the seven steps for generating a file maintenance panel. A white step number against a dark red background indicates the current step being defined.

Clicking on a step number goes directly to that step without having to select intermediate steps in order. This is useful when reviewing or changing previous selections before exiting the generator. Keep in mind that certain steps may require data before advancing to subsequent steps.

Work Area

Body of the File Maintenance Generator panel that consists of fields used to process each step.

Navigation Bar

Consists of buttons that are enabled or disabled, depending on the current step being defined:

Preview NOMADS Panel
(or Preview HTML Page)

This button is enabled on all panels in the File Maintenance Generator after a Table Name is entered or selected in Step 1: Definition. It is used to display a preview of the layout of the NOMADS panel or HTML page; however, the controls will not actually function.

The button text defaults to Preview NOMADS Panel or Preview HTML Page. Click the drop-down arrow for preview options. See Preview Mode.

(First browse button)

Goes directly to Step 1: Definition.


Returns to the previous panel.


Advances to the next panel. If information is required before advancing to the next panel, a message will display.

(Last browse button)

Goes directly to Step 7: Finish. If no fields (besides Key fields) have been added in Step 6: Fields, a message will display about adding fields to the Main panel.


Completes the File Maintenance Generator and generates the NOMADS panels and/or HTML pages. See Step 7: Finish.


Closes the File Maintenance Generator. No panels or HTML pages are generated.

See Also

File Maintenance Generator Steps