Library Object Selection

Button Options

The button options in Library Object Selection provide convenient access to many of the functions that are also available as Menu Options. These button options are listed below.

The name of some button options varies slightly depending on whether Toolbar View or Button View (see Views menu) is selected; however, they invoke the same functionality.

In Menubar View, the options listed below are available as Menu Options.

For all View displays (Button View, Toolbar View or Menubar View), right clicking in the Objects list box displays a popup menu with the following selections: Open, Copy, Delete, Test, Customize Panel, Add to Project and Refresh. Some of these are also available as button options.

(The Refresh option was added in PxPlus 2019.)
(The Open option on the right click menu was added in PxPlus 2021 Update 1.)


Button Option


Panel (Toolbar View)

Panel Object (Button View)

Launches the Panel Designer after the name of a new or existing panel object has been entered.

Query (Toolbar View)

Query Object (Button View)

Launches the Query Header Definition window after the name of a new or existing query object has been entered.

If creating a new query, you will be prompted to also select the query type (see Defining a Query).

Menu (Toolbar View)

Popup Menu (Button View)

Launches the Menu Bar Definition window after the name of a new or existing menu has been entered.

File Maint

Launches the File Maintenance Generator after the name of a new panel has been entered.

(The File Maintenance Generator was added in PxPlus 2019.)

Open (Toolbar View Only)

(Available on the right click popup menu - see Note above)

Opens the selected object for editing.


(Available on the right click popup menu - see Note above)

Launches the Copy Screen Objects utility. Also available from the Options menu.


(Available on the right click popup menu - see Note above)

Removes the selected object(s). Prior to deleting, a message will display. Also available from the Options menu.

The Delete key can also be used to remove one or more selected objects.

(Support for the Delete key was added in PxPlus 2019.)


(Available on the right click popup menu - see Note above)

Runs the selected panel object in test mode within NOMADS. Also available from the Options menu. Use the Esc or the F4 key to exit test mode. See Edit Mode vs. Test Mode.


Launches the Print Panels utility. Also available from the Options menu.


Launches the Library Defaults window.


Launches the Group Assignment window.


(Available on the right click popup menu - see Note above)

Launches the Customizer General Maintenance utility.

(The Customize button was added in PxPlus 2017.)


Launches the Library Compare utility.

Bulk Edit

(Button and Toolbar Views)

Launches the Library Bulk Edit and Search utility.

Selecting Search/Replace from the Utilities menu launches the Search/Replace utility. (This applies whether you are using Button View, Toolbar View or Menubar View).

(The launching of the Library Bulk Edit utility from the Bulk Edit button was added in PxPlus 2020.)

Merge (Toolbar View Only)

Launches the Merge Panels utility.


Launches the Export Library Objects to Text File utility.


Launches the Import Library Objects from Text File utility.

Exit (Button View Only)

Closes the Library Object Selection window.